Arguing in front of your children is a form of child abuse

What do you want your baby to learn? Argue and fight?

Babies may not understand why you are yelling and fighting, but they know something is wrong. It is not good for their health and development. Also, babies learn from what they see and hear, is arguing, fighting and yelling really what you want them to learn? He’ll learn that yelling is an appropriate way to communicate, and soon he’ll be crying to compete for attention over the noise.

It also creates a sense of uneasiness about the strength of the relationship with their parents. The baby is watching you, learning from you. He or she is learning that this is a ‘normal’ way of being, feeling restless, stressed, yelling and fighting. It is how we pass on our dysfunction to our children, and never think that they are too young to understand. Children understand long before they can verbalize it. Remember, you are teaching him or her that this is how to solve problems with another person, and you are teaching him or her that this is how to have a relationship with other people.

Babies are very sensitive to the emotions around them. They need to feel that you and your partner love each other and your partner in order for him or her to feel safe.

One of the worst side effects of living in a harsh environment is stress. Stress really shouldn’t be a part of a child’s life. The negative stress of living in an unhappy and conflict-ridden home is detrimental to a baby’s physical and mental health.

Arguing in front of babies makes them afraid of their own parents and very insecure. The very people who should make you feel safe and happy are doing the opposite. Babies can become anxious and this affects their physical and mental health.

Think about what you are doing to your child when you argue. You make them fearful, insecure, whiny, unhappy, sick, mentally unstable, sad, depressed, anxious, irritable, violent, angry, unstable, aggressive, and insecure with you.

Most people do not see the reality of this. They are so caught up in themselves and their problems that they just think that the baby or child is ready for the journey and will get over it. They do not! You’ll give them a lifetime of trouble they don’t deserve! Every baby deserves a happy and safe parent and home!

If the baby gets sick, I would take him to the doctor or hospital and take care of him until he is well. If they had an accident, you would take care of them and worry about them. If a baby had a diaper rash or might get into something that would hurt her, she would be right on top of it. You would not forget to feed your baby, change his diaper or bathe him. Cradle your baby and play with him, make sure he is taken care of physically.

Why don’t you consider arguing in front of them to be abuse? What if you were that baby and your parents behaved like you and your partner? Hmmmm, it’s a different picture now!

A baby is a baby, and a child is a child only once. Make their life pleasant and happy, they will face enough problems when they grow up.

This is a very good article related to this very topic:

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