become more creative

Creativity is something that can be learned, developed. The creative minds of the time achieved that path through tenacity and spirit: the spirit of innovation in thought.

The late Steve Jobs, creator of Apple, and one of the most prodigious innovators the world has ever seen, probably wasn’t always like this: He was a kid in school, just like you or me, fooling around while he learned. .

But what separated him from the rest of us was that he found something he loved, found it and stuck with it, until he and his co-inventor/innovator founded the Apple computers – Mackintosh – i-pod – all that has changed our world beyond recognition.

As it did? Well, for starters, she probably developed skills from five basic principles.

These five primary principles are:

look for novelty

Looking for the new in life doesn’t mean you have to throw away the old; it means being open to ideas about your life, rather than closed off. Being like this is often akin to being afraid of the new. Live each day as if it were your last, and one day it will be! Until then though, don’t be afraid of change; coping with change and successfully adapting to it is extremely beneficial for your psyche. The opposite is true: moving away from the new means retiring and retiring at the same time. If you’re like that, and most of us are to some degree, you tell yourself little stories to justify doing nothing, don’t you? We all do it, it has something to do with the human condition, but that doesn’t materialize; our species is the most adaptable on the planet, or rather, we change the world to suit us, it’s not the same at all! However, on an individual level, looking for new approaches to life, new ways of doing things, new ways of getting to work (you have to start somewhere, and where and when is better than at the beginning of your day?

challenge yourself

This could take the form of a physical challenge, walking at a brisk pace for two hours, for example, or it could take the form of a mental challenge. Perhaps the hardest way to mentally challenge yourself is to question all your preconceived notions about everything you do, about everyone you meet; on all your opinions: challenging yourself in this way can and should be life-changing.

Getting physically fit will have immediate benefits: you won’t feel as tired or stressed, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll wake up refreshed.

Getting mentally well, so to speak, means you’ll become more optimistic about your life, a change from being habitually in that other state, what Churchill called ‘the black dog’: depression!

Changing the way you have habitually come to view the world and everything and everyone in it will have direct and great advantages: you will be actively sought out as good company; people will come to trust your judgement; You will come to depend on your good common sense approach to life, rather than the ‘stick in the mud’ way of thinking.

Doing all this will make you think more deeply about the things that affect you, even the things that don’t – it’s usually these last things that your thoughts and opinions are most deeply rooted in – it’s our way of dealing with diversity in the world- to make it disappear, to put it in a closet and forget it, to which I say that living life like this is like living as if you are not alive at all – a form of sleepwalking, if you prefer so as not to be so sad.

think creatively

This is probably easier than it sounds. The traditional thing that people who do not believe they are creative or believe they cannot be, say is that creative people are born and not made: things and nonsense! Creative people are the way they are because they have worked to become more creative. If you think creatively, you are creative. The question is, how do you start? Well, you can start by doing simple mental exercises, asking yourself questions that begin with the words: “What if…?” show someone else how I do it? What if I were the head of my department? What would you recommend? Start simple at first, but once you start seeing the world this way, you’ll have a hard time letting go. i will be creative

There are many other equally effective ways to think creatively.

Get started today and enrich your life as you become the kind of person you never imagined you could become.

do things the hard way

Too often, we take the shortcut, the easy path, avoiding any kind of difficulty in our lives. My question here is this: do we benefit from doing things this way? to take the easy road? Our muscles stiffen from inactivity; our brains atrophy, deteriorate, and we become unaccustomed to doing things that present us with challenges. If we take life head-on, so to speak, and do not blanch before difficulty but overcome it, we become stronger, fitter, more mentally alert, more creative.

This is my daily dose of creating difficulties for myself: it doesn’t take long, but it makes me better. Driving to and from work every day, I try to drive as if I were taking my driving test again: stopping at white lines, staying in my lane, observing the speed limit, being considerate of other road users ( which is not the easiest thing to achieve). do), and in general drive in an exemplary manner and drive correctly, without endangering myself or anyone else on the road. Now this may sound simple enough; But it really is not; It’s hard and requires a bit of thought – continuous thinking, actually, rather than driving on what I can ‘autopilot’ – doing things more or less without thinking too much.

How does this help me? Well, for starters, it makes my ingress and egress so much more pleasant: it tests my driving knowledge and ability to manipulate my way through Al Ain, and it tests me mentally; Imagining there’s a sharp-eyed driving instructor sitting next to me while I’m driving sharpens my thinking and makes me feel more alert than I would otherwise.

Try it and you will see; DO NOT take the easy way, the ‘lazy way’ of driving, but observe all the rules of the road, written or not, and then tell me you did not find the experience pleasurable, tell me your driving has not improved dramatically because of it, And this is all before the serious business of the day begins: your business! Tell me that once you start taking on minor challenges like the one I just mentioned, that doesn’t make you more self-assured, happier, more aware of your surroundings!


Meeting people is always a nice thing to do, meeting old friends or making new ones is always worth it, it’s what makes us human, feeling part of something bigger than our own ego. Networking is a way to spread ideas, get new ideas, make a name for yourself, find other people with similar interests and passions; it’s a way of moving in circles that don’t just revolve around you. New friends have their friends, who may very well soon become your friends, or not.

The point is that you are stepping out of your ‘comfort zone’ by introducing yourself to others; this is the exhilaration of doing it. You find yourself overcoming your own shyness when meeting strangers; become more outgoing, listen more to what others have to say instead of twittering your usual propaganda. You are becoming human, you are becoming a functional part of something bigger: your community. We all belong to so many of those: the community at home and the one at work; the one in the cafeteria and the one after the conference in which you just participated. Networking tells others where you are, where you stand, what you like and don’t like, locates you, and in doing so allows you to learn something invaluable: how to become someone people want to talk to, and that It’s always well worth it, isn’t it?

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