Benefits of herbal soups

The Chinese have long believed that diet was vital to good health. They also believe that diet can cure diseases. Only recently has modern medicine proven what they have always believed. If your goal is to live a happier, healthier, and probably longer life, then adjusting your diet is not only recommended, but really necessary. So try the wide variety of herbal soup recipes from around the world, starting with China, where ancient physicians knew what modern researchers are now proving.

Part of an overall healthy diet in China is that nothing is removed, so an expansion of the palate is necessary. Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, hot, spicy and mild are necessary for total body health, so expand your horizons and stop being picky if you want to be healthy. Forget what you’ve learned from Western diets that eliminate food groups in an effort to lose weight or improve health. These diets force the body to shed pounds by making it function in a way that was not designed to stress the entire body and mind.

Recipes for herbal soups and other healing foods depend on accepting everything in moderation. Controlling body temperature is vital when consuming herbal soups. Do you often feel cold or is it cold outside or where you work? Then try soups that contain warming components. Warming herbs like ginger, turmeric, chili peppers, nutmeg, cinnamon, walnuts, and green onions help raise the body’s temperature and bring it back into balance. If you normally feel hot, live or work in a hot environment, herb soup recipes provide the solution. The components of a refreshing soup are usually ingredients such as mint, tofu, citrus, tomato, celery, lettuce, and cucumber.

With the body temperature in balance, the mind and body are free to heal themselves. Chinese herb soup recipes include many colors. Not the ones found in the chemical-laden prepackaged aisles of the grocery store, but the colors found in nature. Space your vegetables across the color spectrum to ensure total body maintenance and healing. White vegetables like garlic and onions contain sulfides that are antibacterial, fight cancer and improve the immune system. Red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, and watermelon contain lycopene, which is linked to cancer prevention. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, squash, and apricots, contain beta carotene, which can not only reduce the chance of cancer, but also minimize heart disease.

Ultimately, if you want to reap the full benefits of modifying your diet and adding a wide variety of herbal soup recipes to your diet, you need to learn moderation. Western societies are accused of eating to the brim or, in the worst cases, completely full, this is considered excessively stressful for the whole body, but specifically for the digestive organs. Eating up to 70 or 80 percent minimizes stress on the digestive system and helps with portion control, which will help you achieve and maintain a happy, healthy body weight in a natural, healthy way.

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