Brainwave training, ho’oponopono and chakra balancing

Chakra balancing with Ho’oponopono brainwave entrainment will balance, clear and activate your chakra vortices, while asking the Divine to release and dissolve the blocks into white light.

Brain wave entrainment is a vehicle that enhances the spiritual process of Ho’oponopono. This scientifically proven technology alters the brain’s frequency by introducing specific sound patterns in a repetitive and rhythmic manner, which the brain then mimics. Access to the frequency of each individual chakra can be achieved quickly and easily, and when combined with the Ho’oponopono mantra, it will cleanse and dissolve anything that is hindering your full power potential.

When your chakras are unbalanced or closed, you cannot integrate the level of consciousness that each chakra represents. Prolonged negative states caused by past emotional reactions and thought forms can block a chakra and can have a profound impact on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Your life will be unbalanced.

The chakras act as gateways for light energy, a vital life force energy entering the physical body, while at the same time acting as an exit point for lower frequency energies that need to be released from within. return to the white light of the Unified Field. of Consciousness, for transmutation.

Requesting the Divine, being in direct contact with All That Is, as each chakra is activated, using the Ho’oponopono mantra, cleanse, clear and release the lower negative frequency that has been gathered into the white light of the Unified Field of conscience. .

Each of the seven main chakras represents a level of consciousness or state of life development. When these chakras are open and balanced, they form an integrated system where each depends on the other for optimal health. A blockage in one chakra will affect all chakras.

The importance of each chakra being balanced

root chakra

· Represents your base, movement, energy and survival, and feeling grounded. This chakra connects you with the rhythms and patterns of nature.
· It influences your finances and everything related to survival.
· When unbalanced, it affects the liver and adrenal glands, back, hips and stability and can interfere with prosperity.

sacral chakra

· Represents your ability to accept others, new experiences and your connection with everyone.
It gives you your sense of abundance, sexuality, pleasure and well-being.
· When unbalanced, problems arise in the kidneys, large and small intestines, pancreas, spleen, groin, prostate and uterus. Your ability to enjoy sex may be hampered.

solar plexus chakra

· Represents your ability to have confidence and control.
Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
· When you are out of balance, your immune system is compromised and you are prone to ulcers, hypoglycemia, and stress-related illnesses. An impaired solar plexus can manifest as personal insecurities and concerns.

heart chakra

· Represents your ability to love, care and share.
· When unbalanced, you may experience heart problems, high blood pressure, claustrophobia, feeling trapped, dissatisfied, restricted, and may lead to possessive or obsessive tendencies. A blocked heart chakra can cause you to constantly seek reassurance due to a lack of self-esteem.

throat chakra

· Represents your ability to communicate.
· Communication and self-expression.
When unbalanced, it creates problems with the throat, neck, ears, and thyroid. You have trouble expressing yourself or what you communicate is not understood.

third eye chakra

· Represents your ability to see the big picture and your creativity.
Intuition, imagination, wisdom, clairvoyance, insight, belief.
· When you are unbalanced, your mind is unclear, thoughts are erratic, intuition is blocked, and you have pronounced headaches and nightmares.

crown chakra

· Represents the highest Chakra and your ability to be fully connected to Divine Intelligence. Your soul connection. Feel complete.
Your connection to Spirit.
When you are out of balance, you feel alone and not connected to anything or anyone.

When you use the Ho’oponopono mantra while training your brain with brainwave training, any blockages will be removed and balance restored, so that life force energy can easily flow both ways, up and down your body. your body, connecting all the chakras, each one spinning. at the same speed.

Ho’oponopono is a wonderful cleansing practice because you don’t need to know why your chakra may be out of balance for blockages to be released.

Brainwave entrainment can provide the perfect frequency to open each chakra for direct cleansing and balancing.

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