Commercial and Retail Property Leasing: How to Submit a List of Owners

In investment properties, property owners always require leasing assistance. They will rarely turn down a genuine tenant’s offer at a market price. For this reason, if you as a real estate agent focus on controlling your market and the tenants that are active or potentially active, you will create more opportunities for listings. The owners will listen to you. More presentations and sales pitches will become listings.

Landlords want the best agent when it comes to leasing the vacancies they have. Your query database of your local market is critical to attracting landlords to your leasing services. So if you want to control your rental market, focus on your database and the query that is in it.

When bidding for landlords to lease vacant space, try these rules:

  • Show them the size of your database as a bulky document that they can see and feel. Put it on the table during the presentation or launch.
  • Talk to the landlord about recent market rents that have been achieved relative to other comparable properties in the area. Explain the advantages and differences between gross and net rents as you see it for your premises.
  • Explain what incentives exist in the market to attract tenants on current terms. Your landlord may need guidance or help with incentive structures and decisions.
  • Make sure you have inspected the property in detail so that you can discuss with her and the characteristics of the property around which you will develop your inspection and marketing strategies.
  • Identify the target market that will be attracted to the property and how you will be able to access that target market.
  • Explain how the situation is currently in terms of market time for the leasing of premises. What is the vacancy factor in the area or region that may affect the owners’ lease requirement?
  • Tell the landlord what you consider to be the essential facts that tenants require in the current leasing situation.
  • Give the landlord an idea of ​​how the best lease might be structured, what the rents are, and how the rents could improve over time.
  • Discuss the permitted use and zoning of the premises that will impact the future leasing strategy.
  • How do the property’s services and amenities fit the current demand for rented premises?

Homeowners in this real estate market need the help of agents to find tenants. Rarely will a landlord have all the resources and solutions available to lease the premises that the local real estate agent has. These 10 facts above will help you prove that you are the real estate agent of choice to market the vacancy to the owner. If the vacancy and property are of high quality, insist on getting an exclusive leasing agency appointment so that you can focus your efforts on the market and local for at least 8 weeks. If the property has not been rented in that time, then something else is affecting the marketing or inquiry base.

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