Ecommerce Website Design Trends You Can Observe in 2017

Website design trends pertaining to e-commerce websites have been changing in sync with the ways customers shop. So to survive in the competitive race, developers must design websites and consider the trends compiled below.

Responsive Design – Today, many people prefer to use their smartphones to search for information. This implies that e-commerce website designers should develop sites for mobile first and then for other systems. Ultimately, mobile phone users will feel the difference once they begin to enjoy a mobile-friendly experience.

Conversation bots – As the year goes by, chatbots or conversational bots would soon be transforming the online shopping experience. This would help to understand various requirements and handle inquiries instantly. The user interface that supports artificial intelligence would be used for communication when customers visit the online marketplace. Due to a personalized service, everything would be beyond the visitor’s expectations.

Cinemagraphs – A year ago, e-commerce sites were known for GIFs. But, with the passage of time, cinemagraphs would soon dominate numerous sites. These are nothing more than images that appear realistic due to animation. Once posted on the landing page banners, customers will always be happy to visit the site at any time.

Real-time personalization – In 2017, the online shopping experience would be taken to a new level. This is because real-time personalization would emerge as an incredible e-commerce trend. Entrepreneurs who have built an online presence can easily monetize through email campaigns and newsletters. They would also be in a better position to improve the customer experience.

Motion animation – Motion Animation is a trend that would offer a great way to showcase items. While business owners strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience, visitors will immediately notice the difference. The design trend would play an important role when it is required to display jewelry and fashion accessories in a better way.

Material designs – Material Design is nothing more than a system that uses resources and tools for an extraordinary digital experience. As the year goes by, card-like formats, web development companies would embrace shadow impacts, eye-pleasing colors, transitions, and responsive animations. The All feature would be highlighted to rank reviews for different items.

Vibrant color schemes – Ecommerce website design trends would use unique color schemes to attract customers. As the web pages would be designed in bright color tones, the design idea would be relevant to the brand. Also, the developers of an e-commerce website development company would decide the color contrast based on the target audience.

High quality images – While images are always included during the development of e-commerce websites, short videos are sure to enhance attractiveness. In fact, this would help generate more leads than expectations. On the other hand, subtle elements would stand out when professionals design high-quality images.

With the aforementioned trends, it is clear that people will always be looking to buy items from an online store. Online shopping will soon be gaining popularity among people who are always busy with a hectic schedule.

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