Finders Keepers Losers Weepers – Relationship Tip

One of the most successful dating tracks is “Lose the Losers”. I know it sounds rude and cruel, but it’s dating and we’re not here for charity. We are fully aware that each individual has value, but in matters of life and relationships, we must take a step beyond being a “nice” person. Frankly, you don’t owe your date anything, not even a second date. Sex is definitely out. Maybe some kind words and some kinder gestures. That’s all there is between you and the date. At least for the moment.

At this stage, let me clarify an important point. We do not refer to “losers” as opposites of “winners.” We refer to them as Losers and Guardians. There are many dates that are guardians, until they do not meet your expectations. Others are simply losers. Losers, most of the time, are glorious people, but so are you. The bottom line is that he / she is the right person for you. You try to see and date someone like a harmless gambling expedition, you win something, you lose something.

The first problem begins when one of the members of the couple feels obligated to the other person. It can happen when the man spends a lot of money on gifts and enjoyment, the woman feels compelled to have sex with him. If the man is kind, gentle, and polite, the woman feels compelled to go out on a second date with him.

This is where the mismatch begins. You must find enough reasons to see your date, but do not “force” yourself for anything, and make it your duty to meet. Stop dating the person if you no longer find them attractive. If you are true to yourself, you may stick with the person for whom you admire and respect a lot. Because these are sustainable qualities in a human being. If you know a man who meets your needs and desires, please consult him by all means. If you fail, then you are dating a loser. Remember Loser is not a derogatory word. There are enough great losers in the world who go out, get married, and live happily ever after. The loser is a person who is NOT RIGHT FOR YOU.

Do a constant review of the relationship, whether it is working for you or not. A man is a gatekeeper during every date, until he is a setback. You must relax because you are simply exiting, not yet entering the arena of commitment. A man becomes a setback as soon as he stops meeting his requirements for a long and committed relationship.

For a meaningful relationship that is near perfect, look for a gatekeeper. And the way to do it is, first, lose the losers. Be picky and picky until you find one.

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