From Fat To Fit – How To Jump Start Your Metabolism And Get Amazing Weight Loss Results!

It’s pretty amazing what we’re going to do in America to lose weight. It’s also quite interesting to me that with all the ways we have to shed those unwanted pounds, we as a nation are more overweight than ever. That is really interesting. There seems to be some sort of connection between the strategies we use to lose weight and our ability to lose weight…and keep it off. There are more diet plans and programs than we know what to do with, and more nutritional products and meal plans to promote a slimmer person, but what about exercise? It is becoming more and more apparent to me that even after all these years of research clearly indicating that exercise is a critical component of successful and lasting weight loss, many in society are still looking for ways (and it seems any way possible) to avoid it. .

With all the yo-yo dieting and starvation dieting, along with the other wacky nutritional programs designed to “burn” your fat and lose weight in literally no time, many people have started to embrace the “here and now.” approach that has promoted impatience, frustration and eventually failure. For many people, over time this approach to weight loss has produced a battered and battered metabolism that desperately needs a makeover to start functioning at a high level once again. With a metabolism in such a compromised state, it makes sense to give it all the help it can get. If you can relate to anything I’ve just written, I’d wholeheartedly recommend a good workout routine as a possible solution for those who have resisted up to this point. In fact, it may become the best solution for more effective weight loss than you’ve ever experienced with diet alone.

How fast weight loss programs can sabotage your weight loss

The problem I have found with rapid weight loss diets and low calorie “starvation” diets is that they do not promote safe weight loss. Usually, when you lose pounds, a lot of it is water from lean muscle tissue, and very little of it is actually what you really want to lose…and that’s fat. Not only that, but in the process of losing all this weight, we are also affecting our metabolism by not taking in the necessary number of calories, and when this doesn’t happen, our metabolism actually tanks. That makes us less able to burn as many calories as before starting the diet. I don’t know about you, but that’s NOT what I want to happen when I’m trying to lose weight. So what happens is the momentary euphoria that accompanies weight loss, then the frustration as the pounds begin to recede until, finally, we end up where we started (if not more).

Why diet alone may not provide the weight loss results you want

As I mentioned earlier in this article, many people attempt to lose weight through dietary modifications and lifestyle changes without taking advantage of exercise as an effective tool to help them reach their weight loss goal. Even when the nutrition is sound and the weight loss plan is realistic, there is still one very important issue that many people don’t realize or just flatly deny (probably due to their disdain for exercise), and that is the matter of the daily calorie deficit that exercise can create beyond diet alone. The typical bout of exercise can burn between 100 and 500 calories, and when you factor in those calories not consumed through the daily diet, there could be a much larger deficit than diet alone. If 250 calories were burned through exercise and there was a reduction in calorie intake of 250 that same day, that makes a total reduction of 500 calories for that day. When done for a full week, that would lead to a one pound loss. It may not sound like much, but who wouldn’t want to lose 4 pounds in a month and keep it off? This is not to mention the fact that the same formula could be applied every month thereafter. I hope you can see the possibilities. Finally, for those who prefer the “no exercise” approach, consider that when exercise is a regular part of your program, you’ll be able to eat more and not have to worry as much about gaining weight. That sounds great to me. Sign me up!

How to jump-start your metabolism so you can experience more effective weight loss

The most effective weight loss often results when quality nutrition and weight management strategies are combined with a solid exercise program. As a quick tip that I sincerely hope you follow, stay far away from fast weight loss diets. They are a recipe for disaster. As a way to do this, it’s important to think of your weight loss as a process that will continue for as long as you live. Too many people want quick results, but don’t consider the long term. That will surely lead to frustration, discouragement, and ultimately failure. As another very important recommendation, focus on improving your nutrition gradually… over time. Too many dieters have taken the “cold turkey” approach to their nutrition, which works perhaps a little better than quitting cold turkey.

One of the most critical recommendations that I believe will be the absolute KEY to boosting your metabolism and producing more effective weight loss is to immediately incorporate regular exercise into your weekly routine. Does it have to be every day? Absolutely not! You can see great results with just 2-3 days a week and amazing results with more days a week. Make sure your routine includes cardio exercises like walking, biking, swimming, or other activities you enjoy. Most importantly, make sure there is some form of resistance training in your routine. Exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, circuit training, and calisthenics do wonders for kick-starting your metabolism and giving you the results you’ve always dreamed of. Lastly, consistency is paramount. Nothing good happens with a sporadic and mediocre effort. Be sure to give it your best shot and you’ll reap the great rewards of successful weight loss that will last a lifetime.

By applying what you’ve learned in this article, you’ll not only understand how to kick-start your metabolism, you’ll experience the kind of results you’ve always dreamed of. You’ll also understand why diet alone can’t provide the results you want with your efforts. Finally, you’ll see more clearly why diets and rapid weight loss programs simply aren’t enough when used as strategies. It is my sincere hope that the recommendations I provide in this article will provide you with a foundation for incredible weight loss success.

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