Golf Backswing Tips: Focus on Your Hands and Arms

If you want to be a good ball hitter, you must have a repeatable golf backswing. Here are a couple of simple tips to improve your consistency and eliminate various swing faults.

Everything is in your hands

I’ve struggled with this for years, and now I finally have a better understanding of what the hands should and shouldn’t do during your serve, that will ensure a consistent position at the top, allowing you to come down at impact and hit the ball solid. and powerful every time.

When you first remove the stick, your hands remain very close to your body (legs). If they move away from your body (as mine used to), then you’ll lift the stick, instead of swinging it back and up.

A good tip is to make sure your right hand brushes against your right leg at the beginning of the takeout. This will let him know that he is keeping them close and in from the start. You can definitely overdo this, but for most hobby golfers, I don’t think this will happen, as the common movement is away from the body.

Second, the hands DO NOT roll over in takeout. In fact, keep them in the same position and just turn your shoulders to start your swing. If you manipulate your hands, you’ll need compensation to get them to hit again. This is not OK!

Third, your grip pressure should be very light. We have 1-10 most likely a 3 at most. This is another problem I had, and it caused all kinds of strain on my arms, which slowed down my swing speed and messed up my movement sequence.

Your arms (and shoulders)

When you withdraw the club, your upper left arm remains in contact with your chest, as your left shoulder simply rotates away from the target. There is no lateral movement in the shoulders. They just spin!

The right arm (elbow) cannot be bent too soon at takeout! This is another problem I had. It took me forever to realize that I was prematurely bending my right arm, causing me to pick the club up off the ground too soon. The back swing is NOT a lift, it is a swing of the arms and a “late” flexion of the right elbow. That’s all!

If you can focus on turning your shoulders to start your swing; your hands remaining passive: and your right elbow bent late in the back swing, you will be golden.

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