How can I get my husband attracted to me again? Tips and advice that can help

I recently heard from a very distraught wife who told me that she believed her husband no longer found her “even remotely attractive.” She had realized that her husband had been avoiding her and rarely made physical contact with her. She admitted that after having two children, her appearance had changed slightly and she was worried about losing the bond in her marriage. She was also worried that infidelity might be on the horizon. She was worried that someone younger or someone she perceived as more attractive than her was going to change her husband’s head.

She asked me in part, “Is there anything I can do to make myself more attractive to my husband? His face used to light up when he looked at me, but now if he looks at me, there is dissatisfaction on it.” her face. What can I do to change this?

This is a difficult position to be in. Trust is a very important part of this process, and right now, the wife’s confidence was at its lowest ebb for her. And honestly, attraction is only partly based on looks and physical appearance. I felt very strongly that if the wife understood the components that make up marital attraction, she could change this situation. I will discuss more about this matter in the following article.

What husbands find attractive in wives: The first point I want to make is that your husband most likely does not base his affection for you solely on your appearance. Of course, physical appearance plays a role, but it is by no means the only thing that matters. Many men have opened up to me about this on my blog, and it’s my opinion that husbands are attracted to wives who make them feel good about themselves.

I know this may sound silly or overly simplistic. But, I must emphasize that this concept is very important. Men are fiercely attracted to women who make them feel smart, funny, attractive, competent, powerful, and successful. As unfair as it may sound sometimes, men are attracted to women who they perceive will improve their lives and situations. To this end, they are likely to be highly attracted to confident, cheerful, and happy women who bring joy into their lives.

So when you somehow attract his attention or magnify life’s everyday worries, problems, and issues, the negative connotations these things carry can seep into your husband’s perception of you. Many women will tell me that they can’t help but ask her husband why he doesn’t find them attractive and also ask for more attention and affection. But, this almost draws your attention to negative perceptions that only hurt your situation.

When I explain this, wives sometimes ask, “So you’re saying I’m supposed to pretend I’m happy when I’m not? Am I supposed to act like everything is fine when it is?” Isn’t it?” That’s not entirely accurate. What I’m saying is that it’s often better to focus on eliciting positive feelings rather than negative ones, which brings me to my next point.

Appearing more attractive to your husband: The woman who wrote to me was actually considering plastic surgery. She was thinking of taking drastic measures to change her appearance. I think it is very important that you are happy with yourself and that you are able to project it into the world. It’s almost impossible to project confidence that you don’t feel yourself. But if you’re designing your appearance based on what you perceive another person to want or like, you’re missing the most important person in the equation, which is yourself.

You will need to be happy with the way you look before you project this acceptance onto another person. Always keep this in mind before committing to drastic changes. I have to tell you that many women tell me that they have good results just by changing their behaviors and actions. As I mentioned, you are likely to get dramatic results by focusing on how her husband feels about himself.

And often if you ask yourself what it is you want and then give it to them, you will find that these things reflect back to you. Is that how it works. If you want more attention from her husband, then direct her attention to him. If you want to see more loving gestures like compliments, back rubs, and hand holding, start by being proactive and offer these things.

Many people are concerned with this method because they are worried that they are doing all the work and making all the changes. And, if you can feel that way at first. But, by giving your husband what you want, you will often notice that he suddenly feels more positive about himself and his situation. In turn, he is likely to respond by giving you more of what you want.

I know many women doubt me when I say that their actions, attitudes, and behaviors are just as attractive as looks and chemistry. A man who feels loved, valued, prioritized, understood, appreciated, and listened to by his wife will likely find his wife very attractive because she makes him feel good about himself and puts a very positive spin on his life and his experiences.

Sure, it’s always a good idea to look your best and take care of yourself. You want to be able to project confidence and satisfaction about how you look. There’s nothing wrong with making changes to make sure you’re happy with yourself. But, there are so many other things that make up the attraction and their marital connection. Never underestimate your actions and how you prioritize your marriage and your husband. I honestly think that, in some ways, men are not that different from us.

Think about what you find attractive in your own life. Because if I’m honest with you, I have to admit that if my husband listens to me, compliments me, takes his time, and shows me that he loves me in various ways, I’m not going to worry as much about whether his hair looks perfect or his ridge line. waist is a few inches larger than it used to for me. I’m only going to answer positively because being and feeling loved is more important to most people than what literally meets their eyes. People often respond more to what they feel.

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