How to stop your puppy from chewing

puppy chewing problems

She recently brought home her new puppy and he is settling in just fine, except for the constant chewing. Could it be that she doesn’t mind me chewing, but that she is slowly working her way through her shoes, the children’s toys and has been looking at the cushions? You may be wondering when exactly this habit will stop. And if so, then that’s perfectly natural, as it’s also perfectly natural for your pup to chew.

Puppies chew for a wide variety of reasons, including because they are growing new teeth or because they may be bored. The key is that you should let your pup chew, but you should also let him know early on what is acceptable and what is not. Like all training, the sooner you establish rules and guidelines, the faster and better your puppy will behave.

Adjust your puppy’s behavior

Start by taking deep breaths, it will take some time to adjust to your puppy’s chewing behavior, so be prepared to be calm and consistent with your instructions throughout the process. Perhaps if you have special shoes or cushions, you can leave them out of reach of the puppies for now.

Also talk to your children, knowing that the puppy can eat all their toys could be the motivation they need to keep their room clean. Also, they should know that yelling or hitting your dog will not help him learn, it will only confuse him, so create a plan to deal with chewing that covers the following tips:

Puppy Chew Toys When you notice your puppy chewing on something he shouldn’t, take one of your puppy’s chew toys and give it to him. When he starts to bite you, praise and encourage him. Remember that a puppy wants to make you happy, so he will gradually realize that chewing on this makes you happy.

Make sure your puppy’s chew toys aren’t similar to other important items. For example, an old shoe or a stuffed toy are not good options because your puppy can get confused between the old shoe and the new one.

Wear your puppy out Try to avoid boredom of the puppy. Take them for walks, play with them and work on your commands. Dogs love to interact with you, learn tricks, and be rewarded.

Crate Training A common problem is that your puppy may be good when you’re home, but when you’re out, he gets involved in things he shouldn’t. If this is the case, you might consider trying box training. See our article on how this can help your pup.

Avoid action: There are some things you can’t put out of your pup’s reach, like the couch, so for these things try using a bitter apple or cayenne pepper spray. Before doing so, make sure you are not going to damage the item by trying it on first. These sprays aren’t tasty to your dog, but they’re safe for humans, so they can be a good choice for some items.

Reinforcement, don’t let him stop with these things, if you come home from work and your puppy is chewing on his toy, give him lots of praise. You can do this whenever you see them doing the right thing.

training your puppy

Over time, these actions, if done calmly and consistently by everyone in your household, will train your puppy. Be sure to continue to reward good behavior and enforce your rules so your pup grows up knowing you are the alpha leader.

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