How wearable technology can improve our health and daily activities

What is wearable technology?

As defined by Vangie Beal:

Wearable technology (also called wearable devices) is a category of technology devices that a consumer can use and often includes tracking information related to health and fitness. Other wearable technology devices include devices that have small motion sensors to take photos and sync with your mobile devices, quoted and unquoted.

Effects of wearable technology on our life

I decided to write about this topic, due to my observation from talking to friends, neighbors, and associates that most people didn’t think too much about the impact that wearable technology would have on our lives in the future. While consumers are still debating or curious about wearable technology, companies around the world are getting involved in developing their own wearable devices. There are so many wearable devices available on the market today that you can buy and take with you to monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, fat in our meat, weight loss, diabetics, smart watches, glasses, clothes, shoes, socks, just for name a few. Think of all kinds of ingredients in our foods that we buy and eat in supermarkets every day, now you can control what they contain through the use of wearable technology.

Google Glasses: Google Corporation: Google has given us so much excitement in the world of technology that we are using today. Google’s technology has made our lives and activities much easier when it comes to research and development. There is nothing you want to search for that you can find on Google. Sometimes it’s technical, but for the most part it’s just typing the word into the search box and you’ll get the answer right away. Think about it, years ago, you had to go to the library for hours and days to look at books by many authors, make photocopies with a photocopier and type it with the regular typewriter. But now, in a matter of seconds, you get your information immediately from the Google search box.

Google has been at the forefront of wearable technology for a long time. The company really didn’t want to put their efforts into that technology as a source of revenue for themselves. But Apple has seized the opportunity presented to them, and for one simple reason, Apple is now at the forefront. Google has already perfected “Google Wearable Glasses” which will be available soon. It comes in all different shapes and sizes, but it’s not cheap for the average consumer. The future of using Google glasses is immeasurable, as I said before in this article, that our life is going to become much easier, but then there is always a negative side to everything that brings joy and happiness. For now, let’s celebrate for a better future. I think Google is probably working with the Eye Glass Arena to figure out how to set up Google Glass for prescription glasses, wow! Wouldn’t that be something? In the future you will be able to do your research from your Google Glass, we may not need our computer anymore, but time will tell.

Apple Corporation: Apple Corporation is already launched, the watch has a great design, but don’t forget that you will need your iPhone or Wifi technology to be able to use its capability. Once again, everything is changing around us before we know it. You may well say you’ll need it right now, but as the world changes, we’ll all need it because of its convenience to support daily activities and health. They are not that expensive, but there are more advanced wearable watches that are too expensive for average consumers like you and me.

There is another device in focus called the Commbadge, its purpose is to give you hands-free communication no matter where you are. “The only wearable personal communicator for iPhone and Android.” You’ll have seamless access to Siri and Google Now voice command features. Simply use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, make phone calls, and more. All while your phone is in your pocket or on its charger. However, I am sure that as more and more of these wearable devices are developed, they will become cheaper to buy, just like when our cell phone or smart TV hit the market years ago.

GoPro – Now when we talk about wearable technology, don’t forget that there is another company that has already been making a fortune in this field of wearable technology, and the company is called “GoPro”. You have a portable camera for so many things that you wanted. do and discover, as well as for your pets.

When we talk about wearing a body camera, we can now see its capability just by looking at recent events in our country with the law enforcement community. It’s breaking new ground in helping decision makers around the world see things very quickly, considering how information was delivered in the past. That is why wearable technology is getting a lot of recognition nowadays. It is now becoming more and more obvious that our law enforcement community will be using this amazing technology in the future. And, in fact, most consumers have started using some form of these devices for their own health and protection. Who would have thought of these new devices years ago that they are going to be approved for our law enforcement community as another tool to help them do their jobs and protect them too?

Conclusion: I don’t want to go too deep into technical issues or be an expert on this topic of wearable technology, but my intention is to bring it into focus, so that we as consumers and educators can start talking about how this wearable technology will be used by us. and our children in the near future. We as consumers are always behind the curve when it comes to new technology. So therefore, we all need to be prepared for this technology that is here to stay.

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