Kill Silverfish – 3 Great Ways To Kill Silverfish Fast

Killing silverfish is practically a sport in some households. When these critters threaten to get into bed with you every night, it’s totally understandable why some people just want to get rid of them for good. In this article, I will share with you three great methods to kill silverfish.

Method 1 – Crush the right way

Smash still works, of course, but you probably have a lot of marks on your walls, don’t you?

Unfortunately, because most walls are porous, it can be impossible to remove all of the clutter, and the only way to clean it up is to repaint the wall.

I recommend making the silverfish move towards the wall by taking it out first with a piece of cardboard. Then smash it! It will stick like a mess, so use some antibacterial spray.

Better yet, use one of the methods below. They are far superior killing methods.

Method 2 – Powder

The powder is one of the best methods of killing silverfish.

If these pests eat the dust, they will be poisoned and die. If they touch the dust, the rough surface will shatter their exoskeletons. If they are still alive, the dust will absorb all the moisture from their bodies and kill them that way.

As you can see, the powder is highly effective. The only drawback is that most powders contain boric acid, which is not 100% safe. Fortunately, there are many natural ways to kill silverfish as you will see below.

Method 3 – Traps

There are many different types of traps available for the extermination of these pests.

The first type is your regular sticky bug traps. Silverfish are attracted to the bait, but when they investigate they get stuck and eventually die of dehydration.

The second type is made from cardboard saturated with boric acid. When silverfish eat the cardboard, they get sick and die because they just ingested poison.

The third type is a natural homemade trap. You can get a glass jar like the one used for jam or sauces. Put something around the outside, like duct tape, this will allow pests to get into the jar without a problem. Then put some bait in the jar like cardboard or any other carbohydrate. Now just wait for the critters to climb up and then get stuck because they can’t climb up the smooth edges and get back to where they came from.

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