Leadership Traits and Results: 8 Traits That Can Affect Your Bottom Line as a Leader

Based on theories derived from the science of quantum physics, we know that what we focus on we also attract into our lives. In fact, it works for us just like it works for sending and receiving a radio signal. For example, if you tune your radio to 103 FM, you would not expect to pick up the 97.5 FM signal. Of course you wouldn’t. You know that when you turn the dial you will attract the radio signal that you send out and in this case, tuning to 103 FM will send you the programming of 103 FM. In other words, like attracts like, so be careful what you send out because it will always send you back more of the same.

If you understand that like attracts like, it should not be a secret that the Universal Law of Attraction is alive and always acting and responding to the tendencies and approaches that we have as individuals and therefore of every leader. That’s why I think it’s important to be clear about what the underlying motivations a leader gravitates to when in a leadership position and how those leadership traits will or will not attract the desired successful outcomes.

Leaders must realize that their organization is truly a “reflection of their leadership.” In other words, how they lead is reflected in who and what they lead. The truth is that the organizations that exist are and will continue to be influenced and shaped by their leadership tendencies. Therefore, it is critical that leaders understand that the way they appear and engage with an organization is like selecting the station they want to receive on their radio. In other words, the traits you demonstrate as a leader when you choose how you want to lead is like sending a signal to your organization to give you back more of the same.

Eight traits that are critical to understanding and predicting the effectiveness of your leadership approach in creating the results you want as a leader are:

1. High energy level and stress tolerance — predicts the degree to which a person has the ability to perform under pressure and function in the presence of chaos; helps leaders cope with hectic pace, stressful situations.

2. Self-confidence — predicts the degree to which a person has an action-oriented approach to solving problems, a self-confident leader is more likely to attempt difficult tasks and be more persistent in pursuing difficult tasks.

3. Internal locus of control — predicts the degree of belief that a person has that events in life are determined by his own actions, therefore he believes that he can influence his own destiny; they take more responsibility for her own actions.

4. Emotional stability and maturity — predicts the degree to which a person will have a more accurate awareness of their strengths and weaknesses; oriented towards self-improvement; less self centered

5.Personal integrity — predicts the degree to which a person demonstrates the ability to be honest, ethical, and trustworthy; able to keep promises; Able to build trust among others.

6. Power Motivation — predicts the degree to which a person will seek positions of authority and power and be more in tune with the organization’s policies.

7. Achievement orientation — predicts the degree of drive and ambition to achieve a particular result; able to set challenging but realistic goals and deadlines.

8. Need for membership — predicts the degree to which a person will enjoy working with others and building relationships; willing to include others not only in the journey but also in creating the desired result.

By evaluating a person’s leadership style according to these eight traits or tendencies, one can predict in advance how successful or unsuccessful they might be in a given situation, especially in creating the results they want. For example, the need for achievement, if set too high, can actually undermine leadership effectiveness and attract lack of support for a particular outcome if care is not taken. If the need for personalized power is too strong, the person is likely to exert power impulsively and seek to dominate people to keep them weak and dependent, thus attracting teams and individuals who lack resourcefulness. Finally, one trait that I think all leaders need to be aware of is the amount of energy they give to or take away from their organizations. If a leader’s personal energy is too low, individuals within an organization are more likely to display a lack of personal empowerment, drive, and initiative. If a leader is not careful, her low energy level can actually drain the organization of energy to perform and achieve specific results, as others try to overcompensate for the energy gap in her leadership. On the other hand, a leader with a lot of energy and personal power is more likely to energize and inspire confidence and initiative within their organization.

One must look at all of these traits and tendencies (and others) and the potential impact they can have on leadership effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Being honest with oneself and with others will help a leader ensure that he can attract the resources and results he needs to be successful in any particular leadership situation.

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