Noopept Vs Phenylpiracetam: Which Nootropic Is Right For You?

In the 2011 movie Unlimited, a struggling writer played by Bradley Cooper becomes one of the smartest men in the world after taking an experimental drug called NZT-48. The character then proceeds to use his newfound intelligence to finish his novel, make mountains of money on the stock market, and win back the affection of his beloved. Little more than a MacGuffin in the movie, the fictional miracle drug is based, albeit very loosely, on an enigmatic class of cognition-enhancing drugs known as nootropics.

What are they?

Any food, drug, or dietary supplement that improves (or claims to have) one or more aspects of mental function, such as attention, working memory, or motivation, could be considered a nootropic. Many of these substances, perhaps even most, are marketed and sold as so-called “smart drugs” to users on the Internet. However, despite its striking claims, few nootropics have been formally tested and found to improve mental function. Today we will talk about two cognitive enhancers that are more than just smoke and mirrors.


Derived from the racetam family of drugs, Noopept is a powerful peptide that is prescribed as a nootropic in Russia. According to studies, it is up to 1000 times more potent than other more popular members of the racetam family, such as piracetam. But there is more to Noopept than its high potency. Known primarily for its neuroprotective properties, the drug has been found to improve memory in numerous tests. One of those studies offered promising results in the treatment of cognitive degeneration in humans with Alzheimer’s disease. For these reasons and many more, Noopept is considered and sold as a smart or nootropic drug. In fact, it is offered as a dietary supplement in the United States and in most other countries. Only in Russia and neighboring nations is it sold as a prescription drug.

In addition to its cognitive benefits, Noopept has also been tested for possible anxiolytic (anxiolytic) properties. In a human study, adult subjects reported significant improvements in levels of anxiety, irritability, and depression. Additional benefits on mood, sleep, and restlessness were also seen in cognitively impaired patients. Numerous animal studies have been completed with similar results regarding anxiety and depression related to foreign factors.


Another member of the racetam family of drugs, phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) is a derivative of piracetam with an added phenyl molecule. Like our previous post, it is much stronger than prototypical racetam drugs with higher neuroprotective properties. In other words, it may have cognitive benefits that other less potent drugs do not. Of course, the only way to measure the effectiveness of a drug is to test it, and phenylpiracetam has undergone numerous scientific studies. What was the results?

There is quite a bit of research to suggest that phenylpiracetam is effective in reducing the rate of cognitive decline caused by organic brain diseases such as dementia, as opposed to brain trauma. The drug also helped alleviate some of the most common symptoms of cognitive decline, such as anxiety and depression, in several different studies and clinical trials.

Like Noopept, there is compelling evidence that phenylpiracetam has antidepressant properties. In both animal studies and human trials, the drug improved depressive symptoms in cognitively impaired subjects. This may be due to its psychostimulatory effects, which can increase locomotor activity for hours on end.

Comparison of Noopept and Phenylpiracetam

Now that we know a little about these two nootropics, it’s time to examine them head-to-head. But before doing so, it is important to note that both medications or dietary supplements have been shown to be effective in improving cognitive function in some subjects. As a result, there is no winner or loser in this match, but simply a more suitable selection based on individual needs. With that in mind, let’s examine the history of the tape.

Noopept Phenylpiracetam

Drug family Racetam Racetam

Power vs. Piracetam 1000 times 60 times

Classification (s) Neuroprotective Neuroprotective, Psychostimulant

Dose 10-30 mg daily 100-200 mg daily

What are the main differences?

Despite the apparent discrepancy in strength, when dose adjusted, Noopept and Phenylpiracetam are about equal in potency, with the advantage going to Noopept. Two of the most powerful cognitive enhancers available, both drugs have been extensively tested in laboratory trials. As members of the racetam family of drugs, they share similar mechanisms of action with each other and with the prototypical racetam drug, piracetam. However, significant discrepancies between the two nootropics have been observed during testing.


An important difference between Phenylpiracetam and Noopept is that the former provides a mental boost because it is a psychostimulant. What this means is that Phenylpiracetam produces a transient increase in psychomotor activity that lasts up to four hours. In other words, it acts as a cognitive stimulus whose effects have been confirmed in numerous tests. Although there is some evidence that Noopept can improve your mood due to its anxiolytic properties, it does not appear to increase psychomotor activity because it is not a stimulant.


Like in the movie Unlimited, the effects of most smart drugs are short-lived, often lasting only a few hours. Researchers have also observed that users tend to develop tolerance to these drugs in a short time. Such is the case with phenylpiracetam, which provides a quick brain boost when used episodically. However, when users take the drug on a regular and daily basis, they do not receive the same stimulant effects due to tolerance. Noopept, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to share that deficiency.

Scientists are not sure why this is so, but the powerful nootropic can be taken for much longer periods of time without the user developing much tolerance. According to numerous reports, the effects of Noopept are cumulative, meaning that the drug will accumulate in the body over time. That said, build-up takes much longer, typically one to two weeks before users experience maximum benefits. As a result, most users turn Noopept on and off every week or fortnight. The benefits of this program include better focus and better memory recall / recall.

Anxiety and depression

Although the mechanism of action remains a mystery, both Noopept and Phenylpiracetam have anxiolytic properties. One theory is that both drugs stimulate benzodiazepine receptors in the hippocampus area of ​​the brain, which can help relieve anxiety and depression. But regardless of how they work, the two nootropics have proven effective in numerous studies, especially in cognitively impaired subjects.

However, it is important to note that Noopept has been more thoroughly tested for anxiolytic properties than phenylpiracetam, including animal studies and human trials. In comparison, the efficacy of Phenylpiracetam in treating symptoms of anxiety and depression has only been tested in rats. This does not mean that the drug is ineffective in treating these disorders, but simply that more research is needed.

When to use Noopept

Noopept, a potent nootropic that delivers peak performance in a week or two, is one of the few smart drugs that can be used on a regular basis. Whether you are taking a challenging college course or working as a summer intern in a highly competitive environment, Noopept can give you greater focus, better memory / memory recall, and increased learning ability. It’s no wonder Noopept is one of the most popular nootropics on the market today..

When used responsibly, the drug / dietary supplement has few side effects. Unlike most other nootropics, Noopept does not cause headaches or sleep problems. The most common complaints are minor gastrointestinal tract problems, such as stomachaches. Often as a result of excessive intake, the problem can usually be solved by reducing the recommended dosage.

When to use Phenylpiracetam

Almost as powerful as Noopept, Phenylpiracetam stimulates the mind and body, increasing mental focus and physical energy at the same time. Thoroughly tested in the laboratory and in the field, the popular nootropic improves cognitive function, particularly learning and problem solving. Its only notable flaw appears to be that users develop a tolerance to phenylpiracetam fairly quickly. According to research, maximum benefits are achieved after just a couple of days of use. As a result, Phenylpiracetam is not a supplement that must be taken regularly.

Like the fictional drug NZT-48, Phenylpiracetam offers short bursts of energy and brainpower that fade quickly. As such, it works best when you know that you will need to focus intensely on something for a short period of time. It’s no wonder that phenylpiracetam is popular with college students who take it during intensive all-night sessions before a major exam. It can also provide the mental stamina needed to meet an impending project or work deadline. Just keep in mind that the cognitive enhancer only works for about four hours straight, after which the stimulating benefits will wear off.

As with any new drug or supplement, new users may experience side effects when they start taking Phenylpiracetam. Relatively minor compared to other drugs, some users have reported episodes of gastrointestinal upset, headache, nausea, and irritability. Like most smart drugs, there is no known drug interaction with other medications or supplements or risk of physical addiction with Phenylpiracetam.


Although they are not the miracle brain stimulants we see in the movies, Noopept and Phenylpiracetam are genuine smart drugs that can improve mental function in some people. Extensive testing has also revealed that both nootropics help alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression, especially in people with cognitive impairment. Of course, for most people, these drugs are used to improve mental function, memory, and motivation, even if only for a short time.

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