Painting lessons and the simple procedure of sponge painting

In case you have gone to LA Painting Lessons, you may have discovered several new concepts when painting your house. Remember that the wall space no longer needs to be a single common tone. Think about using the sponge method to animate things.

Some of the creative painting solutions are rag rolling, paneling, sponge painting, stippling, etc. Understanding these techniques is useful for creative people who want to custom paint the walls of their house.

Even though the ways to sponge paint walls may seem like a difficult process to you, sponge painting is quite basic and really turns a boring wall into an eye-catcher. Actually, as soon as you master this art, you can also paint furniture and accessories in the same way.

Sponge painting solutions

Although there are different ways of sponge painting which will be mainly applied today, let us take a look at a fairly easy method of painting the walls with the help of sponges.

Method 1: Using sandpaper, sand the walls, and then use the roller to apply a coat of primer to the wall. Allow this base coat to dry completely before moving on to the next phase.

Method 2: In a large bucket, take a section of sponge paint and mix it with four parts faux enamel. Be careful with the faux polish content, as the more you add, the clearer the paint layer will be immediately after you sponge it. Therefore, for deeper colors, less fake polish should be added.

Method 3: Dampen the sponge in water and squeeze out the excess water. At this time dip this wet sea sponge into the bucket of paint and glaze mix. Mark the excess paint on the sponge and gently press the sponge against the wall.

Method 4: Only the method can tell you how much force to exert. Also, it depends on your preferences. Experiment with numerous pressures and see which one suits the best quality. Be sure to press the sponge in a random trend on the wall. Rolling the sponge on the wall should help achieve this better. The sponging method should be done in such a way that you simply put a thin layer of this paint on top of the base coat.

Method 5: Whenever the paint in the sponge runs out on the wall, dip it into the bucket and fill the sponge. Continue this action from one area of ​​the space to another until the entire room continues to be fluffed. As long as you avoid using paint with different shades that can contribute to a stained appearance, you’ll find a beautiful wall.

By attending Los Angeles painting lessons, you’ll find a variety of solutions you can use when doing creative painting, such as stenciling and painting two-tone walls. But sponge painting has become the easiest strategy to learn and one of the most impressive. Requires applying a second color over the first solid color for an even more textured effect. You’ve probably seen this used in restaurants, but it could work just as well in the home.

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