Pros and cons of giving money as a wedding gift

Ask any wedding couple what they want most as a wedding gift and you will get an answer: money. Is it rude? Not really. Asking for money is rude in this culture, but expecting to receive something as a wedding gift is not, according to Emily Post’s guide to wedding etiquette. As a guest, how do you know that giving the gift of money is really in the best interest of the couple? Here are some reasons why the gift of money is the gold standard in wedding gifts.

1. They cannot return it. Rather, they can, but they certainly won’t give it back to you. Giving money as a gift is a sure way to know that your gift will delight the bride and groom.
2. Allows the couple to buy expensive items that they could not otherwise afford. They can pay off debts, pay off school loans, buy a house, or go on a honeymoon with the money you gave them. This is a very good feeling for a practical minded gift giver.
3. It never goes out of style. You don’t have to worry about figuring out the best gifts, because you know your recipients will go ahead and do all of that research for you. It takes the effort to give gifts, but not the heart.
4. It can help a young couple get off to a good start together and possibly stay that way. Many newly married couples start out without credit or savings. You can gift them money through CDs or bonds and know that they will have an emergency fund later when they need it.

1. It is impersonal. Most likely, the bridal couple will not look at a dollar bill twenty years from now and think about the money you gave them on their wedding day. They may forget exactly where that money went, but giving them the means to get what they really want is something that can bring you pleasure for a long time. When you see how happy they are in a new home that you helped buy, you will feel warm and fuzzy inside.

If you feel that the couple will think that money is an impersonal gift, don’t worry. This is not like Christmas, where gift cards can seem, to some, like a thoughtless gift. Money is something that the couple really need and will appreciate receiving it. Including a heartfelt letter along with the money will give them something tangible to treasure for years to come.

2. You have no control over how they spend it and you worry that they will spend it badly. This is the only reason why money might not be a good option. If the intended recipients are very young or have a poor history with money, it would be best to give them very practical or very sentimental homemade gifts. Once you gift someone money, you have no control over how you use it, and it can be very difficult to watch your loved ones spend their entire mattress of money on a week-long honeymoon, or a flashy car, when you thought that they could use it. for years as a safety net. If you have specific ideas on how the money should be used, you might consider gifting them a CD or some bonuses, but it’s probably a good idea not to give money at all in this case. Money should never go into the hands of someone you love with ties. Let the couple make their own decisions and, yes, be wrong. It is part of life and marriage. If you don’t want to see them spend their hard-earned money in a way that you don’t approve of, make sure you get a nice wedding ring quilt from them.

3. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the correct amount. If someone spends more than you on a cash gift, your gift will seem less valuable. Also, if you give too little, it may seem unexciting to your recipients. If you give too much, they may be uncomfortable with your important donation. Your decision should be based on what you know about the couple’s financial situation and perhaps the value of the gifts on your record.

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