Regression Testing Fundamentals

The type of software testing technique that is performed after the implementation of new features or modification of existing functionality is called regression testing. Its goal is to ensure that all code changes do not cause side effects and disrupt the proper functioning of the entire system and its components.

Regression testing is also done after certain bugs have been fixed. It is done to verify that the problems have been completely eliminated. Besides that, the bug fix procedure should not affect existing functionalities in any way.

In order to effectively perform the software product procedure after any changes or modifications, various techniques can be applied.

What are regression testing techniques?

  • try everything again

  • test selection

  • Test Case Prioritization

The method of retesting all test cases designed in the suite is quite expensive and time consuming as it requires a lot of effort and resources. If the deadline is approaching, then this technique will not be efficient.

But instead of reusing the entire suite, it is better to use only the specified tests which can be split into deprecated and reusable test cases. Specialists will pay attention and re-run only reusable tests.

The most resulting technique is the selection of test cases based on their priority. In such a situation, specialists reuse only those scripts that are important according to business purposes, main features, etc. As a result, testing requires less time and resources.

What cases should be verified with regression tests?

  • The functional aspects that are visible to end users.

  • Every complex test case.

  • Scripts that detect frequent problems.

  • Limit value test.

  • A case of success and another of failure as examples.

  • Each integration script.

  • Cases that cover the main characteristics of the product under test.

If the functionality of the system is constantly changing and new features are added frequently, regression testing is quite expensive. The output is testing tools that help to simplify the verification procedure and reduce its price.

What are the tools for regression testing?

  • QTP (Quick Test Professional) developed by HP. It is designed for writing automated regressions as well as functional cases. For automation, the VBScript language is used. This tool is based on keywords and data.

  • Selenium – Open source tool for automated testing of web applications. Browser-based regression testing can be done with the use of Selenium.

  • RFT (Rational Functional Tester) – Java tool created by IBM. Applies to automated regression testing. On top of that, the tool can be integrated with Rational Test Manager.

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