Reverse Psychology and the Law of Attraction

Is it possible to just ‘pretend’ and act like you’re applying the Law of Attraction? What do you think?

The Law of Attraction is a simple concept: whatever you focus on in your life, and no matter how you feel about things, will send a vibration out into the Universe that the Universe will match in similar vibrations and bring you back to where you have been. focusing. us. Sounds pretty easy, right? Until you start applying it and you realize how the logical mind takes over and doesn’t want to focus on what you want. You want to focus on the worst case scenario or the fear and worry of what you don’t have, but by focusing on the negative, the Universe brings the negative back to you through the Law of Attraction. Is the Universe a bad entity that brings you negative? No, the Universe loves and supports you in everything you do and is on automatic when it comes to what it brings to you through vibration.

Anything you make vibrate comes back to you somehow… always.

So the question is: if you are a negative person trying to change to the more positive side of life, can you fool the LOA by using reverse psychology? Would it work like Tom Sawyer whitewashing the fence? Tom Sawyer didn’t want to paint the fence, but he acted like he loved it, so all of his friends wanted to join in painting the fence because Tom used reverse psychology. Could you pretend that you love something and focus on it when in reality you feel the lack of what you want? Could you trick the LOA into thinking you were focusing on the joy of need? Absolutely not.

The Universe knows you better than you know yourself. When you act like you are rich but don’t believe it will happen, that is exactly what will come back into your life over and over again until you make the decision to change your thoughts and feelings about wealth. You have to change internally for the Law of Attraction to work in your life the way you want. The Law of Attraction is working all the time in your life. It may not be exactly how you want it to work. You may be focusing on the lack of what you don’t have or the negative in your life and the Universe is bringing you what you are focusing on no matter what you think. There is no discrimination with the Universe. It is simply answering your call that you are sending.

The use of reverse psychology will not further your Law of Attraction efforts. You have to work on yourself. The more honest work you do within yourself, the more you will break through the obstacles that seem to stand in your way of getting what you want. Fooling the Universe will only bring you more deception.

Go deep within yourself, change those repetitive thought patterns that you no longer need, and create new thoughts and feelings that reflect the life you want. You don’t have to use reverse psychology to get what you want. Just work on who you want to be and the Universe will match your vibration to the Law of Attraction.

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