Role of music in human life

music is passion

music is energy

music is joy

Music is creativity.

music is eternal

music is love

music is soul

Music is life

Music is one of the greatest creations of humanity throughout history. It is creativity in pure, undiluted form and format. Music plays a vital role in our daily life. It is a way of expressing our feelings and emotions. Music is a way of escaping from life, giving us relief from pain and helping us reduce the stress of daily routine. It helps us calm down, and even excites us in the moment of joy. In addition, it enriches the mind and gives us self-confidence.

Music surrounds our lives at different moments of life, whether we listen to it on the radio, on television, on our car stereo or at home. Different types of music are appropriate for different occasions. We find it in the mellifluous melodies of a classical concert or in the devotional chords of a bhajan, the wedding ring or the reaper in the fields breaking into song to express the joys of life. Even trilling in the bathroom gives us a happy start to the day. Music has a very powerful therapeutic effect on the human psyche. It has always been part of our association with specific emotions, and those emotions themselves have given rise to great music.

The origins of Indian music can be traced back to the chanting of the Sama Veda nearly 4,000 years ago. The primacy of the voice and the association of musical sound with prayer were thus established early in the history of Indian music. Nowadays, music is available to us in different forms and the choice of music varies from person to person just as the reading options vary from one person to another. There is folk music, classical music, devotional music, instrumental, jazz, rock music, pop music, Hindi movie songs and many more.

In the modern world, music has earned an honorable designation of ‘CURE WITHOUT MEDICINE’. Doctors believe that music therapy has helped them treat many people with problems such as dementia, dyslexia, depression and trauma.” Many children with learning disabilities and poor coordination have been able to learn and respond to pieces of music. Many people with genetic disabilities have found a new light in the form of music.

Dance critic Ashish Khokar cites an experiment as proof: “Music is produced from sound, and sound affects our sense perception in many ways. Even fish in an aquarium once listened to different types of music and found that their movements corresponded to the rhythm of the music. Mind you, fish don’t hear, they just feel the vibrations of sound through the water. So you can imagine the profound effect that sound and music can have on the human mind “.

Anand Avinash, founder of the Neurolinguistic Awareness workshop which has researched music therapy, says, “Mystics and saints from ancient to modern times have shown how music can ignite the higher centers of the mind and improve quality of life.” Mantras, or chants used in the West, repeated monotonously, help the mind achieve a sense of balance. A combination of the sounds of the Sanskrit mantras produces certain positive vibrations and raises the mind to a higher level of consciousness.

We all know that meditation cleanses the system of its negative energies and vibrations. And music is a powerful aid to meditation. In many meditation workshops, music is used to make people more aware of their moods and feelings. People are made to lie down and empty their minds and then listen to the music which is systematically changed so that they can adapt to different emotions and states of consciousness.

Many people also believe that any music you respond positively to will work for you, regardless of its content. Therefore, even pop music could work wonders for you.

Music affects us all in one way or another. It is also the most common interest of many people. People who love music, listen to it while traveling, reading, meditating, walking, some even have soft music while working on their busy routine. It helps them to relax and escape from the stress of our daily lives. It can transport us to another time or place and it’s a great feeling to see or do or experience something different. People have a special music corner for them and some people attach importance to silent listening and some people love to read with light music and even some people love to listen to music before sleeping. Many people love listening to music in the bathroom because they feel that it is one of the few rooms in the home where privacy is routinely respected. Some people also love to sing in the bathroom and are called ‘bathroom singers’. Music has now become a part of our lives as it serves different purposes for each of us.

  • It serves as an entertainment tool. For example, in an occasion or event, music plays a vital role that makes the event lively for people. Likewise, it creates a cordial relationship between people.
  • In addition, it serves as a tool for corrective action. The music tells people about the habit that is uncultivated so that such behavior can be for the better. In addition, it is an agent that is used to educate people. Music can easily convey a message to friends and enemies.
  • It serves as a tool to resolve disputes between two or more people. It often helps to end disagreements after listening to meaningful related songs. Music is played for the group to show harmony with each other.
  • Music also serves as a source of income for human life. It is a profession of private tutoring of people like lyricists, playback singers, music directors, musicians, musical instrumentalists, dj etc.
  • Lastly, music serves as a message or symbol that indicates what is happening in a particular place or event. For example, if a bad occurrence occurs at a particular location, the type of music played will show the audience or hear what happened at that event. The type of music that is played will justify to the listeners what is really going on there.

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