Shilajit Facts: Is Anti Aging A Reality With Shilajit?

Shilajit is perhaps the most powerful anti-aging rejuvenator and blocker ever known to mankind. Attributed with many magical properties, Shilajit is predominantly found in the Himalayan region bordering India and Tibet. The existence and use of Shilajit was a closely guarded secret by Himalayan yogis for many centuries. Indian yogis considered it a gift from God and a nectar of longevity. Ancient Indian scriptures mention its wonderful powers to combat most ailments of the body and mind.

Shilajit in general is a historical plant life concentrated essentially from the Himalayan region. The Himalayan region that encompasses India, China, Tibet, and parts of central Asia was home to rich plant life since prehistoric times. Plants absorbed various nutrients and minerals from the soil to form rich, green vegetation. The life of the trees and plants there spanned many hundreds and even thousands of years. After his time, the plants returned to the earth along with the minerals. This process continued over a period of many centuries. These remnants of plant life in the specific climatic conditions and the altitude of the Himalayas formed the mineral pitch known as Shilajit.

SHILAJIT contains more than 85 minerals in ionic form and fulvic acid. In Sanskrit, the literal meaning of Shilajit is “Rock Like”, the power to make our body like a rock, allowing it to withstand the ravages of time. Shilajit has the unmatched power to stop and reverse the aging process. The Indian yogis when seeing the powers of Shilajit considered that Shilajit has divine powers capable of curing the body of practically any ailment and above all preserving our youth.

Ancient Chinese and Indian literature mention Shilajit as the nectar or elixir of evergreen life and the fountain of youth. Indian yogis widely used Shilajit. It is not uncommon to find many Indian yogis even 100 years old in the Himalayan regions with a stamina and body structure similar to that of a young man.

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