Stop Credit Card Debt – Don’t Pay With Money – Use Existing Law Instead

Stop credit card debt at any time using the law instead of money. More people are finding that the legal system is on their side when they can no longer pay their card bill, but it seems to only happen when they are “forced” to find a way to deal with the card companies because their money is extremely scarce. .

Everyone happily goes on making minimum payments on their card account for years without making any progress and suddenly finds themselves surrounded by a ring of card debt with no way out when they lose their job due to depression.

If you find yourself out of money and having trouble now or going to have trouble paying your card debt in the near future, then you should start studying the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act right away because all the answers you need are waiting. to discover them. it’s.

You’ll learn how to handle collection calls, how to make money if your rights are violated, and most importantly, how to demand “verification of an alleged debt,” a term you can copy and paste into a search engine and see tons of case law where people have beaten up card companies and debt collectors.

When a creditor is unable to validate a claim that they cannot collect from you, contact you, report any action to the credit bureaus, and if you have kept records and records of everything carefully, you may be able to counterclaim and demand money from them for violating your rights under federal law!

So why do so many people struggle when trying to stop credit card debt on their own? Begging, pleading, and trying to reason with the card company or debt collector will get you nowhere and will only intensify their efforts to take your money and put it in your pocket, so use the written federal law to speak. Uncle Sam carries a big stick!

When you think the time is near or you can’t pay anymore, take the time to educate yourself and learn the rules for defending yourself legally. It took man several thousand years to learn how to light a fire, but with the knowledge you can light a fire under a debt collector, take the money from him, and watch him run off into the sunset. The times they Are a changing!

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