The cunning and proud Leo man

Are you interested or in a relationship with a guy who was born under the astrological sign of Leo? These werelions can be quite troublesome, but it’s worth it if you learn to tame them. Leos are born in late summer and because of this they are happy to be active and outdoors, especially in the warmer months. Give Leo a ball and bat, a bike, or a swimming trunks, and he’ll be delighted.

Leo guys, unsurprisingly, are very bold and expressive. They are a proud zodiac sign and they won’t let you forget it! Leo guys love to have fun, and sometimes it’s at the expense of others, even though they don’t really mean anything. Keep this in mind when getting romantically or sexually involved with a Leo guy: they can be selfish and insensitive from time to time, and they won’t even realize they’re doing it.

The concept of pride in Leo men is great for long-term relationships, especially if you have fantasies of being a stay-at-home mom or being supported for the duration of your relationship. However, if you’re a career-minded woman who’s proud on her own terms, you might find yourself butting heads with your Leo partner on a regular basis. Sometimes it’s good to give in a little and let them FEEL they are the provider, even if they aren’t. Let me take you out and show you; it will satisfy his ego enough to calm him down.

As bold and aggressive as Leo guys are, they are also secretly highly emotional. They may not express these emotions very often and they definitely won’t express them to just anyone. It takes a while to get through the thick skin of a Leo and learn what really makes them tick on the inside. If you can’t get your Leo partner to open up right away, don’t push them. It won’t do any good at all. When a Leo guy feels compelled to open up about his feelings, he will inevitably get defensive and bury them even deeper. You have to earn his trust to reveal the true self of him, and that takes time.

If you enjoy an active lifestyle and are ready to deal with the roller coaster that a relationship with a Leo guy can be, you’re in for a lot of fun and passion.

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