The dangers of simplistic populism!: 5 examples

Isn’t it a way, out of time, to demand that our elected public officials do more than just the same: old, same old, turning, too often, to politics, instead of service and representation? In their quest to be elected, many politicians never become statesmen after being elected and seem to pay more attention to often making empty rhetoric and promises, using simplistic populism, rather than considering the bigger one. – image, including potential ramifications, in a relevant and sustainable mindset. While some see few problems, by doing so, too often, we experience significant dangers (or the potential) of this behavior. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 examples of this potentially dangerous business / political attitude, as always, etc.

1. Make America Great Again: What, exactly, does Donald Trump’s favorite catchphrase, Make America Great Again mean? Its supporters seem to focus, on what they consider, their good memories, of the so-called, good old days, while others, see this, as a defeatist attitude, emphasizing, emphasizing an image, rather than creating a relevant, sustainable solution and feasible, which could address current challenges, proactively. Surely, he assumes, this nation has lost its luster and is no longer great. The problem seems to be the perception of what makes our nation better, looking fondly at the Happy Days, or continue, with a well thought-out plan, to get the best strategic and action plan to use in the future.

two. Reopen economy: Due to the public health crisis, many governors decided that it was necessary to significantly shut down their state’s economy to flatten the curve, reducing public exposure. While public health experts, they claimed, economies should open up, gradually and in phases, determined by the state’s infection rate, etc., President Trump strongly urged and appeared to coerce some of these people to do so, for its artificial part, desired date. Unfortunately, many who followed the president’s words found that infection rates in their states are heading in the wrong direction.

3. Reopen schools: While the president publicly demanded that schools reopen, sooner rather than later, the governor of New York proclaimed: Children are not guinea pigs! We need to follow the data and the science, rather than conveniently denying it, for political reasons!

Four. Build the wall: Trump’s hallmark: The concept, from the beginning, has been Build the wall. This South Wall seems to be a motivating and inspiring symbol for its main supporters, while opponents consider it a waste – insane! The reality is that you are using this, as a weapon, to support your restrictive immigration demands, but building this structure (according to security experts) is an inefficient way to create better border security.

5. They are taking away their jobs: How many times, we have been told, immigrants are taking away our jobs, despite the fact that, experts, state, there is an economic need, for immigrant labor, and the taxes collected significantly outweigh the associated costs, etc. There are many who believe that Trump is using this tact to simply appeal to fear, hatred and prejudice, for his perceived political advantage.

The best and most successful companies make their decisions, based on the search for viable options and alternatives, and on the creation of a well-considered strategic plan to perceive, conceive, create and implement the best action plan. Shouldn’t we demand that our government behave in a similar way?

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