The new normal is nothing normal

Multiple asteroids fly dangerously beyond Earth, the century’s largest meteorites crash into Russia, and Pope Benedict offers his appreciation. From the looks of it, 2013 is turning out to be very interesting to say the least.

Sure, there is the usual war rhetoric between nations; however, what seems to be noticeable and getting worse is the abundance and acceptance of evil. Even more disturbing is the US government that willfully sanction and endorse sinful behaviors. The lack of moral leadership displayed among any government causes an entire nation to turn a blind eye, fall into sin, and ultimately face God’s judgment.

Justice exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. (Proverbs 14:34) “

Leaders in positions of power can unknowingly (and sometimes knowingly) influence the moral conduct of citizens’ behavior. Let’s not forget ancient Israel and God’s judgment on them. After seizing the kingdom of Israel after Solomon’s death, King Rehoboam caused the citizens of Israel to purposefully sin against God and provoked God’s wrath against the entire nation (1 Kings 14).

Time to stand up! We cannot tolerate sinful behavior. Period. With each generation, the line between “right” and “wrong” becomes more blurred, and it is increasingly a struggle for the younger generation to take a stand for justice. It is quite difficult for believers not to compromise with the pressure of immoral behaviors in our culture and society. One can only imagine how difficult it is to speak out against immoral leaders who embrace this “new normal.”

What is the “new normal”? Same-sex marriage, Plan B abortion pills available without a prescription to adolescents without parental knowledge, society turns a blind eye to the slaughter of innocent babies living in their mother’s womb, and the President of the States United asks God to “bless” all these atrocities. The support for sexual promiscuity without repercussions and the legalization of marijuana try to convince society and future generations that not only are these things acceptable but that you have to be proud and unrepentant in your actions.

We are witnesses and we live in a world that tries to impose non-Christian beliefs on Christians. Be careful: “And do not conform to this world; rather be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you can prove what is the good, pleasant and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12: 2) As believers, we must be vigilant and not assume the sinful characteristics of the world.

And meanwhile, the world pretends there is no punishment for indulging in a sinful lifestyle. You are wrong. “Because the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) “This death may not be instantaneous, but it is a gradual process over time. Some lies that are largely promoted within our culture suggest that living a life of debauchery is the best way to live. But they neglect to reveal the negatives, such as the rapid rise in syphilis, HIV, and various strains of gonorrhea that are becoming incurable.

America has become a nation of self-gratification, not soul-gratification. This disconnect between the soul and the flesh is the reason why civilizations disintegrate from the inside out. When the truth lacks a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, one will always be in search of something more. The only hope for America is to ask God to change our hearts from within.

According to a poll by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 59% of Americans believe in hell and 74% believe in heaven. Everyone dies, but not everyone agrees with the reality of hell. This gives credence to the words Jesus said: “Enter through the narrow door. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the door and narrow is the path that leads to life, and only a few find it. “(Matthew 7: 13-14) Pay attention! While we are on Earth, Satan has the access and the ability to attack us. Ask yourself why people follow those who proudly encourage sin instead of creating a relationship with the Savior who died for us sins? That’s what the new “normal” should be.

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