The romantic pleasure a woman enjoys from sex

Mammals use grooming to connect socially with others. They also snuggle together for warmth and comfort. Regardless of any responsiveness, there is comfort in the proximity of another person’s body: the gentle rise and fall of their abdomen, the warmth and feel of their skin are reassuring.

In the early days of a romance, lovemaking is an expression of a couple’s love for one another. Sex is only a small part of the quality time you spend together. A woman views sexual intercourse as an act of lovemaking in which a man demonstrates her sexual admiration for her (her ability to be aroused by her body) and her sexual desire (her ability to get her pregnant). But over time, men tend to become engrossed in their daily activities and sex is taken for granted.

Men don’t appreciate that women want a relationship and not sex (directly). When a man spends nonsexual time showing interest in and care for a woman (beyond sex), the woman is motivated to show her affection by offering her sex. A woman ideally expects a loving partner to enjoy sharing affection and intimate communication. She enjoys the emotional peace of mind of having the support and protection of a partner. She basks in the glory and pride reflected in her accomplishments.

A woman is not turned on by sexual activity, so she needs to feel very positive about (and trust) a man in order to offer him sex. Without an emotional connection, even the idea of ​​her sex is repugnant to him. Sex involves a woman allowing a man to touch, kiss and penetrate her most private anatomy. Women rebel (are not turned on) by the genitals and bodily fluids enjoyed by men. Sex involves a serious emotional commitment for most women.

When a woman is attracted to a man she admires, she is flattered that he wants to have sex with her. She is emotionally elated by the idea that he is aroused by her body and wants to enter her. When men are attracted to a woman, they seem to assume that a woman automatically reciprocates her feelings as if women had no responses of their own. This may be because the male sex drive convinces men of a partner’s docility, or because men are targets of people who turn them on.

A woman allows a man to make love to her. She has a choice, so she’s not about being dominated. It is about allowing, inviting and welcoming. This emotional payoff is much stronger than just going along with what a man wants. A woman may enjoy a sense of longing, of wanting to be loved, of enjoying being desired sexually. She wants to care for him so he can take care of her. She allows him to penetrate her body for her own gratification. An affectionate female lover enjoys giving pleasure when a man pleases her in other ways. Her reward is her gratitude for sexual release. Men show this gratitude by subsidizing a woman’s lifestyle and indulging her in other ways.

A woman gets an emotional return from sex that men don’t get. She feels loved and needed by the pleasure that a man gets from her body. These emotions are not sexual (involving arousal and orgasm), but are just as vital for a woman to feel emotionally connected to a lover as the sexual emotions (based on arousal and orgasm) experienced by a man.

A woman’s inclination to offer sex is not just generosity on her part. She is also selfish behavior because she knows that by offering sex she will gain more control in the relationship. A woman can be much more sure of a man’s interest in her once the relationship transitions from platonic to sexual. When a woman has a sexual relationship with a man, she can expect more in return than she would if they were in a platonic relationship.

When a woman shows initiative, for example by caressing or kissing a man, he assumes that she is turned on. But her display of affection is purely platonic and she has no sexual motivation. Ironically, it is her desire to show her affection that stimulates a man’s sexual drive. This is why many women stop being affectionate over time because they learn that their displays of affection are interpreted as a sexual invitation by men.

A woman has emotional needs just like a man. But these emotional needs are not met through orgasm. Some women want to express the sense of connection they feel with sex. Women may define their emotional needs in terms of arousal and orgasm because that is how men relate to the concept of emotional connection. This is an attempt to be taken seriously by men who tend to define all adult intimacy in terms of sexual responses.

A man is sexually attracted to a woman. His sexual drive makes him very proactive in seeking sexual relations with the women he is attracted to. Women do not experience this sexual drive. Women feel an emotional bond with others. This sometimes builds up slowly, if a man is devoted to her. Women are also attracted to men and fall in love. But women have no control over persuading a man to reciprocate his feelings because it depends on his sexual responses. Women can only hope and dream. Romance involves passive behavior based on emotional responses, including anticipation and waiting, that does not attract men. Women enjoy romance novels because of the intensity of the emotional payoff they feel when they identify with how a woman feels when a man returns her love.

Tell him it’s important to you. For a woman to feel sexual desire, she needs to feel loved, adored, and significant. (Allan and Barbara Pease 1999)

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