Tips for organizing your home with stickers

Every mom wants to get organized. Having an organized home saves time looking for things and can greatly reduce her stress level. Using sticky labels is a great way to start organizing her belongings. Just think of all the things that are easily lost: pots and utensils to serve at a potluck dinner, sports equipment, beach towels, DVDs or CDs that were “borrowed” but never returned. All of these items can be easily tagged with your name and even your phone number for easy retrieval. If you’re worried about a sticky label coming off, you can even make or buy iron-on labels for clothes or towels.

There are a number of other things around your home that could benefit from label organization. Photo albums can be labeled according to the year(s) (or the age of the child featured) in which the photos were taken. Then, just by glancing through the folder, you’ll know where to look for a specific photo.

Storing the clothes your child has outgrown would be easier if you simply label a container with the size of the clothes stored inside. That way, whether she’s saving them for another kid, lending them to a friend, or just taking them to the thrift store, she’ll be able to quickly find the size she needs.

If you are a mom who likes to cook, you probably have quite a collection of recipes. Without an organizational system, it can be very difficult to find the exact recipe you’re looking for when you need it. Tagging your recipes by food category will make this process much easier. This also applies to magazines. Many magazines have great stuff you might want to keep, like recipes, do-it-yourself tips, car ideas, and so on. You can organize your magazines by tagging them by category, making it easy to find a specific tip or idea at a later date.

Organizing your family’s paperwork can be VERY important. Everyone should have a safe place to keep pay stubs, invoices, tax information, mortgage information, etc. Instead of having everything in a pile that will take hours of searching when you need specific information, try using color-coded file folders with labels. If you put your forms and documents in chronological order (as they arrive) in these folders, it will be very easy to find the information you need at a later date.

One of the biggest areas of disorganization in a home is your child’s bedroom. Labeling bins for toys and drawers for specific items of clothing can lessen the amount of chaos. Your child will know where everything goes and will learn some organizational skills of their own. If your child can’t read yet, put pictures on labels instead of words and keep everything color-coded so it’s easier to recognize too.

Organizing your home does not have to be a tedious task. Buying your own inexpensive label maker or pre-printed iron-on labels for clothing can make it a fun job for the whole family to do. Now, instead of spending your time endlessly searching for things, you can use that time to be together as a family.

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