Weight Loss Smoothies: The Delicious Weight Loss Solution

It’s hot outside. Do not you want to cook. You just want a nice refreshing drink to refresh and fill you up. Well, you can have that and lose weight at the same time. Weight loss shakes are the answer to a delicious and nutritious summer weight loss.

Once you understand the basics of a weight loss shake, you’re only limited by your taste buds when it comes to the endless combinations you can try. But first, let’s go over what makes them weight-loss shakes and not just old, high-calorie shakes.

1. Weight loss shakes rarely, if ever, use milk in the recipe. And if they do, it’s skim milk, soy milk, or skimmed milk powder.

2. The refreshing freshness of a weight loss shake comes from crushed ice or frozen fruit, not from ice cream, not even sorbet.

3. A weight loss shake is intended to replace a meal, a dessert. There is nothing on earth that you can drink with a meal that will make you lose weight.

These are the basic rules. Your weight loss base should be as follows:

or cold water
or crushed ice
or 2 tablespoons skimmed milk powder, for a creamy consistency
or 1 tablespoon flax seed or wheat germ oil (for added health benefits, they don’t change the taste at all!

Once you get those items, all you need is a blender and you’re done. Just add the ingredients you like the most, blend them in the blender and pour them into a glass to enjoy your slimming shake.

Most people drink their weight loss shakes in the morning; you get all of your vitamins and a healthy dose of natural sugars to get your metabolism going, without the mid-morning coma-inducing aspects of bread products or the fizzy effects of cereal milk.

Even out of season, you can buy bags of frozen berries and store them in the fridge to pour into the blender for a frozen treat. You can also cut the fruit beforehand and freeze it.

For an extra dose of protein and great taste, add a tablespoon of low-fat peanut butter to a banana smoothie. Try it. It’s delicious.

If you like pineapple, substitute coconut milk or even coconut chunks for the skim milk above, for a daiquiri flavor that’s hard to beat.

Make sure you don’t cheat by buying your shake or shake at Starbucks. Starbucks tends to use sugary syrups and other ingredients that increase the calorie count, which defeats the point of calling it a weight loss shake.

Want the “crunchy stuff” that is popular in some smoothies? Add some walnuts to the mix and you’re good to go.

If you are addicted to chocolate, do not despair. The carob powder will give you that chocolate flavor that you love, without sacrificing calories or fat.

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