Why do some toilet seats have gaps in the front?

Toilets are an essential part of life for virtually everyone here in the United States. Without toilets, we would be forced to return to an age of old-fashioned plumbing, or worse, diapers! Since toilets are so engrossed in the luxury of modern life, we hardly ever think about them until they need to be cleaned or repaired.

However, there is a universal toilet question that thousands of people want to know. And it has to do with that mysterious gap in the front of the seat. You’ve seen them before if you’ve ever used a public restroom: the U-shaped toilet seat. Read on to learn some silly facts about this type of toilet seat, and finally be done with the urge to solve this trivial mystery!

U shaped toilet seats

As you’ve probably figured out by now, U-shaped toilet seats are mostly seen in public restrooms. If you look in your private bathroom at home, you will notice that your seat is a full oval. So what is the difference? Well, let’s take a look at what the 1955 American National Standard Plumbing Code (ASNPC) says about it:

“Toilets shall be equipped with seats of smooth, non-absorbent material. All toilet seats provided for public use shall be of the open-front type.”

Additionally, a global industry guideline called the Uniform Plumbing Code, which was created by the International Association of Official Plumbers and Mechanics (IAPM), outdated the American National Standard Plumbing Code in 1973 and has mandated open toilet seats ever since. for public toilets. .

plumbing codes

These plumbing codes are not necessarily enforced by law, but are accepted industry standards adopted by many municipalities. These municipalities often write the UPC in their own local codes. So is the answer to the question plumbing codes? Well a little bit. The real answer lies in why they are part of the public plumbing code.

You see, U-shaped toilet seats were originally designed with the ladies in mind. The space in the front of the seat made the procedure and cleaning easier for the women. This design gave the ladies more access and allowed them to use the bathroom without the risk of touching the porcelain. It is important to understand that these are the most popular and accepted theories for this toilet seat puzzle. There are several other theories as well. So now it’s your turn to make your own!

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