Why does my head hurt? Causes and Treatments

The only thing worse than developing a headache is not knowing why you have it. There are different treatments for each type and not all of them work on all headaches. Fortunately, most of them are fairly easy to discover and treat, most with home remedies you already have around your house.

1) Alcohol: A hangover is just one way alcohol can give you a headache. Some types, such as red wines and dark hard liquors, have additives that can trigger a headache. Drinking plenty of fluids can help with this problem, and with a hangover, electrolytes are needed. Sports drinks or coconut water are good for this purpose.

2) Barometric pressure: Headache is common when the barometer starts to drop. While it can trigger migraines, it can also cause problems for those without the condition. Watching the weather forecaster can give you an idea of ​​when to expect it, although if the problem is severe, you may want to move to a location that is typically under high pressure most of the year.

3) Caffeine: A recent study indicates that tea may actually aid hydration, but that’s the only caffeinated beverage that does if that’s true. Coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks, and weight loss products that contain caffeine increase the risk of dehydration. Also, stopping caffeine suddenly can cause a severe headache.

4) Dehydration: It is easy to get dehydrated. Hot weather, intense exercise, and alcohol use can increase the likelihood of the problem. Since the brain contains a lot of water, dehydration can cause a severe headache. It is important to drink enough fluids, and you may also need electrolytes. Sports drinks and coconut water can help if you do.

5) eyestrain: This is probably the most boring headache on the planet. You can stop the bread, but to do so you have to stop using your eyes for a while. No computer, no TV, no books… no fun. If you have the problem frequently, you may want to visit the ophthalmologist as you may need glasses. This is especially true if you stare at a screen for more than three hours a day. One method that can prevent headache is to stop looking at the screen every twenty minutes or so. Focus on something in the distance to change the type of focus your eyes use.

6) Flu: Not that there is a need for more pain when you have the flu, but a severe headache is one of the symptoms. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve some of the pain, but only time will take it away completely. You may also find some relief by placing a damp washcloth on your forehead. This will also help with fever.

7) migraines: While women suffer from migraines at a slightly higher percentage than men, it’s only on a 3-1 basis. There are three ways to manage migraines. One is to avoid triggers, which can be difficult. Light, sound, heat, and rain may start, but food is probably the most important factor. Anything that contains tyramine could start an episode. That includes wine, aged cheeses, and some meats. Second, your doctor can prescribe medication that will help stop the attacks when they start. Third, feverfew capsules taken daily can help prevent a migraine and stop one if it occurs.

8) Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: If you know what to look for, you can see sinus problems; there will be puffy areas on the cheeks and above the eyes. This can be caused by a virus, allergy, or infection. Anti-inflammatory medications will help with swelling and some of the pain. Allergy medications can help further by stopping the reaction. You may need an antibiotic for the infection, but your doctor may want to wait to see if it clears up on its own, to prevent the germs from becoming resistant. Garlic tablets may help and should not cause resistance to prescription antibiotics. Steam is another beneficial treatment for sinus headaches. You can use a hot shower, but vinegar and water are better. Mix them together, bring to a boil, and breathe in the steam.

With these tips, it may be easier for you to figure out what’s causing your pain and whether or not you need a doctor. If you decide to see the doctor, be sure to discuss any other medical conditions you may have and any medications/supplements you are using. This will help you avoid dangerous side effects and herb-drug interactions.

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