yorkshire terrier grooming

Taking your dog to the groomer regularly will keep him looking and feeling great. You can also learn Yorkie grooming techniques at home. Remember, practice makes perfect and you will find that each time you fix it it gets easier for both you and your Yorkie.

Grooming is a great bonding time for both your Yorkie and you.

grooming basics

Conditioning shampoo:

· Use a high quality shampoo and conditioner formulated specifically for dogs. I use Coat Handler or Pure Paws products.

Yorkshire Terriers have a single coat of hair, while many breeds have both an outer and undercoat. In this sense, a Yorkie’s coat is similar to a human’s hair. Despite this, do not use human shampoo on your Yorkie. Human shampoo can result in dry, flaky skin creating dandruff in your Yorkie.

· Never brush my Yorkie’s coat when it is completely dry unless the coat is clean such as after a bath, as this could damage the coat. Keep a spray bottle with a mixture of water and conditioner handy and lightly mist the coat before brushing or combing.


Bathing every two weeks will prevent odor and preserve the coat. Be sure to sort out tangles, as they can and will get worse with each passing day. Dampen tangled hair with lukewarm water and work it out with your fingers as you bathe. Putting a small amount of conditioner on tangled hair will help loosen it up.

I bathe my Yorkie in the kitchen sink. Be careful when bathing in the sink. If they don’t feel safe and secure, they may try to jump off the sink. You can also use a bathtub.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse your Yorkie’s hair after shampooing and conditioning. Male Yorkies may drip urine on themselves while relieving themselves. You can wash this area daily with a damp washcloth and warm water, or use an unscented baby wipe. Depending on the length of your Yorkie’s coat, you may want to blow dry the coat. If so, be sure to keep an eye on the heat, as you can easily burn your Yorkie from the hot air. Make sure all tangles are out of the coat.

· Comb the coat after drying and brushing with the metal comb. This will remove most tangles, knots, and mats.

A flea comb can be used daily.

· It is recommended to wash the face and ears daily, brush the teeth, cut the nails and bathe every two weeks.

Hair Trim:

Trim the hair below the pads of the feet. It is traditional to crop the top 1/3 of the ear; shaved for a cleaner ear, and will also make them look smaller. The hair around the anus should be trimmed very short on a regular basis for cleanliness. Coat brushing will vary depending on the texture and length of the coat.

Many people choose to keep their Yorkie’s coat trimmed in a short puppy cut all year long. This can be done with a pair of scissors or a set of electric clippers.


Comb – Metal comb with long teeth.

Brush – There are many options, but we recommend a rubber-backed pin brush. Natural bristle brushes are less likely to damage the coat than synthetic ones like nylon.

Scissors – Basic haircut scissors

ear trimmer – Wahl mustache trimmer; it is cordless and rechargeable (available at Wal-Mart).

Nail clipper – Human nail clippers while they are puppies. As they get older, use dog nail clippers; sometimes it will be necessary to use a nail file to file down the sharp edges of the nail after trimming. Stop Bleed is a must. If you cut too much, the nail will bleed. Rub Stop Bleed on the affected area immediately.

stop bleeding – Available at most pet stores.

ear cleaner – There are many options. I use NutraVet Ear Wash with Tea Oil and Q-tips.

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