Your Karmic Overdraft Account

How is your karmic account? Are you completely red or are things finally starting to even out for you? Are you taking a lot more than you’d like to admit, or have you been really “good” – in the karmic sense of the word – lately? In truth, none of us can really predict or determine for sure what our karmic account looks like, especially since it’s one we operate across space, time, and lifetimes. Much of what our story contains and offers, therefore, falls within the realm of cosmic mystery and, as such, is not entirely within the reach of our human being.

In fact, according to the laws of karma, the mere fact that we are here indicates that we may be in the red. We have our lives ahead of us to undo and rebalance our books… once again. Whether or not we achieve this depends on every action, choice, thought, and response we generate as we walk through life’s journey; every second and every moment here really counts. And this is where our karmic account differs from any other accounts we may be operating here in this lifetime (or others). When it comes to karma, it’s not just the currency of the account that matters, but also how we acquire gold. dispense it

You don’t just pay off your karmic debt by donating millions to charity or being nice to everyone you meet. These could definitely contribute to making the world a much nicer place to be in, but they may actually do little to undo any karmic debt you may have incurred. You see, karmic debt occurs when we experience and participate in any action or choice that binds us to the smallness of the human being; this could be a negative emotion like jealousy or something as natural as being too attached to our home or family.

When we reincarnate, we once again untangle ourselves from the clutches of these feelings, choices, thoughts and actions that they have on our soul; we return to free ourselves from the trappings of life here on earth. Therefore, the path to clearing our account lies more in the realms of conscience and soul wisdom, rather than naive moral codes and societal expectations. In fact, you may need to break free from societal expectations, be true to your soul’s inner calling to undo past karma. Detachment is one way to achieve this, but it is not the only path to liberation from karma.

Sometimes all you need to do is be authentic and let your life unfold. Think about it: you never really know what your karma is, and therefore it is your inner truth that offers you a way to better calibrate and guide yourself. This is not to say that being good is pointless; but if it comes to the cost of being true to yourself, you may not make much of a tooth in your karmic account.

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