be careful with your thoughts

“Be careful with your thoughts, because your thoughts become your words.

Be careful with your words, because your words become your actions.

Be careful with your actions, because your actions become your habits.

Be careful with your clothes, because your clothes become your character.

Be careful with your character, because your character becomes your destiny.”

Unknown author

I have had this poem hanging in my office for years. It wasn’t until I saw The Secret and started studying The Law of Attraction that I was able to really appreciate the meaning behind it.

The Law of Attraction teaches you that you must consciously choose your thoughts in order to manifest what you want in your life. Now let’s analyze this poem….

  • “Be careful with your thoughts, because your thoughts become your words.”

Every word that comes out of your mouth comes from a thought, either consciously or unconsciously. We’ve all had the experience of blurting out something and also of thinking we said something we didn’t. If we have happy thoughts, we will talk happy. If we have ugly thoughts, our words will be ugly.

  • “Be careful with your words, because your words become your actions.”

Our tone of voice and body language not only follow the words we say, whether sweet or harsh, they follow the thought behind our words.

  • “Be careful with your actions, because your actions become your habits.”

ALL of the clothing we own was created by the actions we choose to take over and over again. Habits can be broken when we start taking different actions that will form positive habits.

  • “Be careful with your clothes, because your clothes become your character.”

This is the way other people see us. They cannot feel our feelings, or think our thoughts, they only hear our words, see our actions and habits that define who we are and what we stand for.

  • “Be careful with your character, because your character becomes your destiny.”

Our destiny – our reality – our world. Each of us has a unique perception of the world in which we live. This is because we have created it, by our past thoughts.

Although we may want our tomorrow to be different than today, many do not achieve the things they want because they are caught in the vicious cycle of “Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”

To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you must first be willing to put in a little bit of effort. You must control your thoughts and take the necessary steps to get to where you want to be.

“We become, have and attract what we think about and act correctly”. Juan Asaraf

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