Do you want it more than them?

This came up in a training session with a client earlier this week and it’s so important that I wanted to mention it here for my online community as well πŸ™‚


Have you ever been on a sales call too long knowing you’re crossing your own limits around time?

But do you talk yourself into doing it because you really only want to help that person?

Perhaps to the point of being late for your next call or appointment?

As a result, you go into convince mode and stay too long on the call or in the meeting.

These are all red flags that we want the result more for the prospect than for themselves.

We are giving, giving, giving and they are not reciprocating. There’s always a story about why they can’t do something and there’s always a bit of drama if I’m being honest. They are not willing to make the switch and meet us halfway. It has to be at least 51% more for them.

Because even if these people say yes to each other and want to work with you, they usually don’t make the effort. Once again, we are left wanting more for them, and usually deep down we feel that we need to prove our worth and therefore our worth. It’s not a great feeling.


I remember being on a sales call once where I let it go too far, so much so that I was late for a meeting by 45 minutes!

I picked up the call from the car on the way to the meeting, and I was so looking forward to working with the person I was talking to that I was willing to let everything else go for it. Deep down I wanted her to see my value and that she could really help her. The person I met with was less than pleased, and I think that was the last time we hooked up now that I’m thinking about it πŸ™ Rude right?!

But how many times do we let our values ​​slip for the sake of a sale? I don’t like being late (well, okay, no more than 5 minutes who am I kidding) for meetings or calls, and integrity is one of my most important values. Doing what I say I’m going to do. And if I’ve committed to a meeting or a phone call, and I don’t show up fully, I’m not being the best I can be and I’m in integrity.

What ends up happening then? I feel like a bad person.

This is ego trapping at its finest.

I make a choice without power and then I feel bad. Exactly where the ego likes us to stay.

And it all comes down to self-esteem.

We don’t value ourselves enough to stick to our limits. This is the belief deep down in our subconscious that runs the show, and the lens through which we view life and therefore make decisions. He tells us about making decisions from this place of not valuing ourselves. So, we don’t honor ourselves and then feel like a bad person later.

It keeps us informed.

GOAL I have great news! As you value yourself more and more, this type of person actually stops showing up! Gotta love the universe reflecting exactly what we need to work with, right? As we value ourselves, we respect our boundaries more and set the stage for sales calls much differently to begin with.

Now, does this mean that we never give more?

No. But when we really value ourselves, we make conscious decisions.

Just start registering:

Are you giving because you really want to help that person, or because they are activating that little “not enough” cord deep down?

It’s a fine line but a big difference πŸ™‚

If you are stuck: the latter ends up generating resentment later. So look back at previous examples to see where a conversation that felt that way led to resentment later, or even led to a not-so-great customer experience that felt disempowering in some way. Then you can figure it out the next time you feel the same way in a sales conversation.

It’s all about those gut feelings: they never lie.

And know that you are valued and valuable, regardless of where you are on your business journey.

You’re stinky enough!

That’s me yelling at the ego!! Do not give up. And know this too: it never completely goes away as we all have an ego. We’re just quicker to recognize it, knowing it’s not true and therefore not letting it dictate our decisions πŸ™‚

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