Does your family need the help of a guardianship attorney?

If you suspect that a loved one should have an appointed guardian, but you’re not exactly sure if it’s possible, it’s vitally important that you learn more about which situations require legal guardians and which don’t. Understanding when it’s possible to establish one can save your family a lot of conflict and heartache.

How a Mental Illness Guardianship Lawyer Can Help

If you suspect that someone you love has a mental illness and needs help, it is possible to establish guardianships that will control your medical and financial decisions.

The best known case of this involves Britney Spears. When she got out of control several years ago, her parents agreed that she needed help from her after she shaved her head and attacked a paparazzo’s car with an umbrella. Her father petitioned the court and asked that he be granted guardianship of her. Although not exactly the same as becoming a guardian, she is similar (although she should consult an attorney for the specific differences in her status).

This conservatorship meant that Britney could no longer make her own decisions regarding her finances or medical options. Her father is said to have saved her life by intervening, but it is unclear whether the conservatorship would continue as a long-term situation.

How a guardianship attorney can help a minor child

Situations involving minor children are some of the most commonly understood guardianships. If both parents die without a will, no one is appointed as guardian. In these cases, an attorney can help determine who will act as guardian of the child. It must be legally established through the court to ensure that the adult has authority to make decisions.

Another situation involving minor children is if the parents are unable to care for their children. This can happen through negligence, but it could also be the result of military service. If a single parent is deployed, he or she can establish guardianships to ensure that a responsible adult is available to make important decisions for the child.

How a guardianship attorney can help the elderly

If you have a loved one who is aging and you feel unable to make their own decisions in financial and medical situations, it is possible to establish guardianships. Some older people need help making sure they get the right health care, especially if they have health problems like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Other seniors are especially susceptible to financial scams, and having someone act as your guardian can protect your assets. It can be difficult for seniors to relinquish control of their financial or personal well-being, and an attorney will help families through this difficult situation.

If you are not sure if a guardianship attorney can help your family, contact one in your area. He or she will be able to discuss your situation and let you know if it is appropriate to ask the court to appoint a guardian for your loved one.

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