Grammar Punctuation – English Writing Problems Even Professionals Struggle With!

Knowing how to use proper punctuation in your writing is essential, especially if you need to convey different types of feelings to your readers. These feelings can be communicated through excitement, enthusiasm, or giving advice. To achieve accurate grammar punctuation, you can take an English or grammar book as a reference and take advantage of grammar proofing software.

English books with embedded grammar lessons are very common teaching techniques used in schools and universities. Although they are mostly very basic and are mostly used at a primary education level. Advanced grammar is mainly addressed during the second level of education. This is the time when we are or were forced to write a lot of essays and literature in the form of poetry, prose, short stories, autobiography, fiction and non-fiction short stories, and the like. On the other hand, we have all the English writing professionals, such as teachers, tutors, or copywriters, who mostly use professional proofreading software to catch common grammar or punctuation errors. With just one click they can review your articles and correct their grammar and punctuation.

Punctuation marks are used to organize and clarify the meaning of different parts of a piece of writing. There is a wide range of examples of punctuation marks that are confusing in grammatical punctuation rules. Here are some crucial rules to remember for your writing.

  • Parentheses: to enclose an additional inserted word or add a comment.
  • Exclamatory mark: used after an exclamation, interjection or command.
  • Quotation marks – to give special emphasis to words. They are also used in quotations, titles, and direct speech.
  • Comma: they are used to represent a small pause in the sentence and to separate words within the same list.
  • Square bracket: used in coding to indicate the insertion of a special comment
  • Colon – to enter a list with related components. In clauses, in which the second elaborates the first. It is also used to introduce quotes and speeches.
  • Semicolon: Used to separate parts of a sentence and indicate a pause longer than a comma but shorter than a period.
  • Hyphen: Used at the end of a line when a word needs to be hyphenated on the next line. Or to link compound words and phrases.

Follow these few helpful tips on grammar punctuation to make your writing understandable to readers and to express the precise expressions you want to convey.

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