Home remedies for impetigo that you should know

Impetigo is a contagious bacterial infection on the surface of the skin. It is more common among children, but people who are involved in close contact activities are also susceptible to it. It is classified into two types, non-bullous impetigo; It is the common form where small blisters appear and then yellow or honey-colored scabs form. Then there is bullous impetigo, where a blister forms, causing the top layer and lower levels of skin to break. Common symptoms of this infection are itching in the affected area, burning sensation, fever, skin rashes, and irritability. Pain in the arms and legs and crusty skin lesions are also experienced.

Impetigo, being a highly contagious infection, spreads not only through close physical contact but also through towels, toys, utensils, and other commonly used goods. The bacteria can enter the body through any break in the skin and once the infection occurs, it spreads to different parts of the body. Therefore, it becomes very important to have proper knowledge about this infection and also cure it as soon as possible.

The first step in preventing the spread of impetigo is to maintain good hygiene. People suffering from the same should use medicated soaps and bathe regularly. The infected area should be allowed to remain as dry as possible and try not to use the same cloth to dry other parts of the body. To combat impetigo, topical antibacterial creams can also be used. The main concern in case of impetigo is to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body.

Natural home remedies can be of great help in curing impetigo. One such remedy is to mix tea tree oil in bath water and then apply calamine lotion afterwards. Turnip is said to be very beneficial in the treatment of impetigo. Eating chopped turnip immersed in natural vinegar or rice water for 6 hours helps fight impetigo. Another remedy is to make a paste of Vaseline and cornstarch and apply it to the infected area. Here, the Vaseline helps to heal irritated skin and the cornstarch helps to dry out the rash. Calendula cream can also be used after bathing to cure impetigo.

In a severe case of impetigo, one must bathe every 4 hours. An application of hydrogen peroxide (3 parts water and 1 part 3% peroxide) can also be used. Removal of the scabs results in rapid healing. This can be done by applying warm baths or compresses to the bark. At night, charcoal poultices can be applied and left overnight.

Impetigo can also be cured by using a mixture of 50g aloe gel, 12 drops of lemongrass and 12 drops of patchouli oil. This mixture should be applied 3 times a day on the infected area. People suffering from impetigo should be careful around infected areas. The areas should never be scratched in any situation. Also, impetigo is highly contagious, so one must strictly refrain from touching the lesions. You should also avoid going outside until you are completely healed.

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