Tell Tale Heartless

While Trump continues to create a furor over his electoral defeat, we must understand that when public officials, the police, and the military act above the law, anarchy increases. These people, including Donald Trump, have sworn to serve and protect the public. And yet, over the past 35 years there have been more cases that have led to anarchy on our streets. When America has been subjected to years of insincere policies, political corruption now at the highest levels we have seen in decades has increased the number of millions of poor people to unprecedented levels. Since the Great Depression, America has not seen such widespread homelessness, hunger and poverty.

The lifeline Congress dropped today in hopes of rescuing the American public appears to be attached to an anchor. An anchor that will only sink millions more into a sea of ​​hopelessness and despair. As Congress has done so many times in the past decades, when there is a crisis, Johnny is always in place to rescue the haves while the have-nots continue to drown. What they did with this latest stimulus is a good example.

As widespread fear and anxiety continues to spread around the world caused by this mutant strain of Covid-19, there has yet to be a really encouraging verification that vaccines developed in record time actually produce one against it. deadly viruses and other mutations that are now emerging. When other countries rushed to act once the pandemic struck back in February and chose to launch lines of economic support to their citizens, the United States did not. While other countries issued security protocols and restrictions were put into effect, the United States was again too little too late. Consequently, we have the highest mortality rate of any country in the world. Not only that, but Congress has continued to fail the American public ever since.

This latest sign that Congress is helping the general public since the passage of this latest stimulus agreement has made it clear that they are deeply concerned about the deficit and their own pockets. This, when the country is falling apart. Today, many Republicans and even some Democrats remain totally paralyzed in the polarization of party loyalties while constantly and continually ignoring what is good and necessary for the country. It can be said that they forgot those sacred words spoken by JFK when he said: “Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” We must remind these gurus of political expediency that to provide economic stability in times of crisis, adhere to Williams’ Theory of Economic Evolution. It states that when there are more people with enough disposable income to spend, save, pay debts and invest, it is the biggest impediment to an unstable economy. Even before this pandemic, this nation had and still has the largest wealth disparity gap in our history and consequently creates less financial stability and more economic hardship for most Americans. And, now, with the acute health crisis caused by this pandemic, it has caused the greatest humanitarian crisis that we have now as well.

Never before in modern times have we seen such arrogance and outright defiance of the needs of countries in times of great crisis as we have now. Congress has shown by their examples that they have become not only a body of selfish bureaucrats, but also entities hostile to the American people they have sworn to serve. When other countries such as Australia and New Zealand and even Canada have responded to this global pandemic, they have succeeded in curbing the horrific consequences attributed to the Covid-19 virus and, in doing so, are providing all their citizens with the financial resources to maintain their countries. stable. In Australia and New Zealand, each citizen receives a monthly stimulus of $ 1,500 and Canada’s monthly stimulus is $ 2,000 until next spring. Meanwhile, America, certain members of our Congress continue to thwart any effort to stabilize our country.

What our Congress is doing is holding the American people hostage at a time of great urgency to act to prevent what is now a growing humanitarian catastrophe. And do you think this latest direct cash stimulus of $ 600 per one-time injection into people’s pockets is going to cut it down? It’s time for the people to support a unified effort to get Congress to pass another vital and necessary stimulus bill again with monthly cash payments of $ 2,000 through November 2021 for all Americans whose annual income falls below $ 150,000. . Failure to do so will only prevent further economic devastation, more acute poverty, and greater chances of this pandemic continuing to devastate the country.

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