Treadmill review: the Bodymax 1500CA folding treadmill

To get the most out of exercising on a treadmill, you need to understand the idea of ​​incline training. Using the incline feature of the treadmills requires more energy, which means you will burn more calories during your workout. Walking on a slope works your leg muscles more efficiently than walking on a level surface. The incline walk gives you a great cardio workout without having to increase your speed. This type of training is less impactful, so there is less stress on the bones and muscles, as well as less risk of injury. Incline training is especially beneficial for the calves. Varying the incline of your treadmill helps keep your workouts interesting, making you less likely to get bored. If you think you’d like to work out on a treadmill, read on for one you should consider: the Bodymax 1500CA folding model.

Treadmills: Main features of the Bodymax 1500CA folding treadmill

There is no doubt that fitness equipment like this Bodymax treadmill can become a key component in your quest to get in shape and stay that way. Its price is attractive, around £ 499.00, and it has many features that you would expect to find on treadmills that cost much more. Its powerful 2 horsepower motor is up to the task. Another important feature is the power incline that ranges from 0% to 12%, so it will keep up with you as you get in shape. Along with the incline, the treadmill has 12 programs, so you’re not likely to get bored with your workout. Even the fittest user will be challenged by the 1500CA’s top speed of 16km / h. When not in use, the treadmill simply folds up and its transport wheels make it easy to move. Another feature you are sure to appreciate is the smooth, low impact drop when lowering the walking platform from the folded position.

Treadmills: More about the Bodymax 1500CA folding treadmill

Speed ​​and incline are controlled by conveniently located buttons on the handlebars, making it easy to vary your workout at will. The large, blue-backlit console display is easy to read and measures 76mm x 165mm. If none of the programs are to your liking, the C1500CA has a manual mode. The heart rate is measured using the grips. The running area measures 130cm x 41cm. The open dimensions are 163 x 73 x 130 cm. The closed dimensions are 95 x 73 x 147 cm. It weighs 68 kg and will support a maximum user weight of 110 kg (17º).

Treadmills: Final thoughts on the Bodymax 1500CA folding treadmill

There are an excellent variety of programs on this treadmill, each of which is designed for a different purpose, such as weight loss or cardiovascular training. For best results on the 1500CA, you should vary your workouts to take advantage of its comprehensive set of programs. This type of change challenges your body to keep improving.

Treadmills like the Bodymax 1500CA can be valuable allies in pursuit of your particular fitness goals.

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