The eight best strength movements to lose fat

In order to effectively lose fat and keep it off, people need to change their body composition. This doesn’t happen overnight or with a quick-fix diet. As a Boston personal trainer, I have seen many people struggle and become frustrated with their fitness programs. Losing fat is a difficult task, but it can be broken down into a few simple equations.

Lose Fat + Gain Lean Muscle = Change in Overall Body Composition
Strength Training + Solid Nutrition Plan = Lean Muscle Gain
Lean muscle mass gain + steady progressions to exercise plan = fat loss and overall change in metabolism

Many people rely too heavily on caloric and cardiovascular restriction when trying to lose body fat, lose weight, and ultimately change their “shape.” However, the most effective way to do this is just the opposite. You need to develop a solid strength-training program, eating 5-6 small meals and snacks every day, and engaging in higher-intensity conditioning exercises (interval training) to achieve a lean, strong, fat-burning body.

Here are my top eight strength exercises for ultimate fat loss:

1. Squats (dumbbells, barbell, sandbag, kettlebell)
2. Lunges (dumbbell, barbell, sandbag, kettlebell – various directions including lateral, walk, reverse, forward)
3. Pull-ups (assisted, bodyweight, or weighted)
4. Push-ups (modified, bodyweight, on bench or ball, explosive using medical ball)
5. Overhead press (barbell, dumbbell, unilateral or bilateral)
6. Turkish Raises (with dumbbells or kettlebells)
7. Kettle Bell Swings (for reps or time)
8. Weighted core exercises (medicine ball squats, twists, back extensions)

All of these exercises recruit large muscle groups, test the nervous system, increase heart rate and challenge the cardiovascular system, and build real-world (non-machine-based) strength. All of these movements can be modified with variations based on individual strength levels, training experience, and goals. Performing these moves as a circuit or a superset will get your heart rate up and challenge all areas of your body.

Regardless of the design; these exercises give you more for your money and you will see results much faster than smaller, isolated movements that don’t tax your system as much.

Integrate some or all of these exercises into your training program 2-3 days a week, along with 2-3 days a week of higher intensity conditioning for up to 30 minutes and a clean nutrition plan and you’ll be well on your way. to a steady change in your metabolism, an increase in lean muscle tissue, and overall fat loss.

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